hey all, dont know if this is the right section or not, but here it goes. I have a 2000 Blue and Silver Busa that was left to me by the former owner who unfortunately passed away in Arkansas when he went down riding his ST. I had been bike sitting it for him while he was out touring the country. Anyway, he had been down on the Busa a few times, he even clipped a mountain lion one night at speed going through the desert. So needless to say, the side fairings are a bit beat up. I tried repairing some of the holes with fiberglass resin, but i'm no body man and I'm just not happy with it. So I would like to just replace both sides with new panels. So whats out there? I'd like to not spend 300 bucks a side if at all possible, and I would really love a set that are painted to match if at all possible. I've checked the for sale section and e-bay, but most of the fairings I have seen are damaged.
I did find fairings from Cheetah Racing here in San Diego for 150 bucks a side, but they are unpainted (which i could paint them if i had to, i do know a thing or two about automotive paint) but I don't know anything about their fitment or quality. any insight on these? what else is out there?
edit, this is definitely the wrong spot. didn't realize i was in the performance mod forum. could a mod please move this to the appropriate forum?
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I did find fairings from Cheetah Racing here in San Diego for 150 bucks a side, but they are unpainted (which i could paint them if i had to, i do know a thing or two about automotive paint) but I don't know anything about their fitment or quality. any insight on these? what else is out there?
edit, this is definitely the wrong spot. didn't realize i was in the performance mod forum. could a mod please move this to the appropriate forum?
Reason for Edit: None given...|1154549009 -->