GoPro HD Video Conversion SOLVED (I hope!)

I have Adobe Elements 7 for editing and it's a killer program. Does some really cool stuff that you won't get with window's movie maker.

I also have a pinecle program for uploading DV etc. and it gives me the option of uploading the material in AVI.

I have Mike Sullivan's entire racing career on VHS that I am converting and editing into what appears to be five dvd's. Have the first two dvd's complete and they turned out semi-professional. Adobe has Premier Elements 8 now. However, Elements 7 is quite impressive, 8 should be even better! :beerchug:
Steven, I have Premier Elements 8, but it would not edit an .mp4 file. However, using the steps above I converted using Quicktime Pro to .avi which will then edit pretty good in Premier Elements AND WMM.

The below is the same .avi file as above, posted thru Elements 8 directly to Youtube. Compare to the others....

Click up to watch in HD mode. It converted pretty dang good.
Looks like you have it figured out! The youtube video looks much better than what one usually gets off You Tube!
I'm going to make a video for my family with my sony camera and worry about how to share M2TS video with my friends. So I searched internet and found a best hd Video Converter for Windows 7 which could convert my Sony high definition videos to MP4 formats and played them on my iPod.