got back from the Dragon!!!!!!!


What great riding the southern Tenessee folks have down there. I was taken back by the hospitality, not too mention the scenic views. It has actually made me consider moving from my hometown of 26 years. The Dragon was great I had a lot of fun in the twisties. However my friend that I rode 600 miles with and I rode the Cherola Skyway. Although I was fortunate my friend wasn't. In the last 14 miles of the Cherola Skyway He went down. He went of the road at 40 mph. He and the bike are both ok. Except for a little road rash and a bruised ego. I wish we had a way to personally thank the people that stopped and helped and also called 911. It is no joke people when they say it takes time for paremedics to show up it takes a while. My friend and I were out there at least 1/2 hour before any medical attention arrived. All this is stated on any website about either the Gap or The skyway. Please adhere to this. IT WILL BITE YOU.

If you are not from the moutains ride within your LIMITS. I don't want to see what happened to my Best friend of 23 years happen to anyone. If you are not an experienced rider I would not suggest doing any of these rides till you get more experience. Unless of course you live in the moutains. Guys this DEALS GAP is no joke it takes 100%. Anything less and you will end up seriously hurt or dead.

Other than that it was great riding down there and Creekboy I am still considering coming back next month!!!!!!
sorry to hear about your buddy. Other then that it sounds like you had a good time and yes the dragon will bite you hard if you mistreat it.
sorry about your buddy...but its nice to hear that he and his bikeare doing ok
My buddy has the pics. As soon as I get them from him I will post. And yes NJ I have pics of the Akrapovic on there.
Sorry to hear your buddy went down, but glad to hear the ride was enjoyed. Pics, pics...
Glad you had a good time! I cant wait to ride the Dragon... If its not before this winter, next summer for sure i'm planning a trip (its about 15 hours from here) over there... I love twisties and that ride seems to be hell of a challenge, specially with a heavy beast like the Busa, you gotta be exhausted after
My buddy went down while negotiating a shift. He took his mind off what he was doing for a half a second and boom there he was on his ass. And yes after the Dragon I was tired as hell but we pushed on. It pays to quit drinkin beer about 2 months before yuo do it. Wow what aa difference in my thinkin skills.
yeah them twisties fatigue you mentally. I am only good for about 100 miles and then I cannot concentrate any longer and that is where I know I can get hurt.
Even when I stop for a break it takes me a little while to get "warmed up" again.
I think it is a little fear and alot of respect for the Busa that keeps me in check.
Come on back down bro...and call so we can hook up this time....its an awesome ride ...but I got a secret...I know some places that only locals know to ride that are just as sweet....and not as treachous as the Dragon, remember I got bite there last November and I rode this bad boy all the time, wrong place wrong time, like you said adhere to this....IT WILL BITE YOU, glad you had a good time hope you friend will have a quick recovery and all....take care see ya next month..
My bro-in-law and I are headed to the Dragon later this month. Can't wait! I'll be taking it easy though. In the process of staying up on two wheels, I don't care how many other riders pass me.
Sorry about your friend. Glad he was able to continue on. I have been 3 times this year and I still take it easy. Hope ya can make it back for the Busa Bash in September/ Oct.
the last time we went I think we rode it twice the day we got there... (to, and from the CROT) then went across the cherahola to whatever that town is and hit the subway.. brought subs back to the hotel and sat around talking to the other peeps and drinking corona the rest of the evening..

next day rode across.. then across the foothills into gatlinburg and had lunch... came back.. rode back to the CROT and out to fontana dam and looked at the stuff and fiddled around on some other roads in the area.. came back went thru the gap, and back.. debated doing it one more time but the return trip was just way to fast/unsafe to go back cuz you always go just a bit faster everytime... or I do anyway... gotta watch myself if I stay on the same road too much on the same day.