Got my new Black/Grey K8

TSgt D

I just wanted to say hello to all my fellow riders and more importantly, BUSA LUVAS!!  Just passed 10 years in the US Air Force and loving every minute of it. I have been visiting this forum for a few years now but after my tour in Italy, I stopped visiting for awhile and I had to come back under a new profile.  I have never postet before but all the posts are very informative and will help any new rider/owner make better decisions about riding, whether on or off the road.  

Well, I bought my BUSA last month and I haven't been able to stay off of it unless it rains.  I am a big guy (6'1, 260lbs) and my first bike was a 05 Katana that I rode for 3 years to make sure I got all the other little things about riding down to a science that a lot of people take for granted.  Being that the Kat is big and heavy, I didn't even feel right sitting on the Gixxers and the Kat was only 20lbs lighter than the BUSA anyway.  Always wanted the BUSA and I finally got it. Again, just wanted to introduce myself and I love the org.
Congrats and welcome to the org. It is a great forum filled with great people. You are lucky , that you chose the fastest color.

I guess I should say something like "we appreciate your service to your country."

But, really, the important thing here is that you bought the right colour.

Sweet! You DID select the right (fastest, stealthiest) color.

Congrats on the upgrade.

We applaud the intelligent way you went about 'graduating' to the 'busa. Smart man.

Ride safe, don't scratch the paint, be sane, respect the throttle and fGs, hold on!

Stick around!


ps: Thanks for your service.
