Got pix of buddies bike


Donating Member
Got pix today of my buddies Super Hawk. Had a thread a couple days ago about him wrecking because a drunk guy pulled out in front of him.

Sad pics's "he" doing ?
Said he got 3 broken ribs and some road rash. Ran into him last night at the dirt track races, seemed like he was doing good.

And yeah, he says he is going to replace it with a Busa. Wants me to help him get a good deal at the dealership.
That sounds Great !! Hope he sues the crap outta the guy ! He deserves it ! Wish people were like me , gonna get drunk , stay at the house and do it .......I'm in process right now !
Bike looks messed up ok.............. glad he is doing okay.......

Funny how they change the name of the bikes also............ overhear that bike is called a firestorm............
That sounds Great !!  Hope he sues the crap outta the guy ! He deserves it ! Wish people were like me , gonna get drunk , stay at the house and do it .......I'm in process right now !  
Don't drink much anymore, so have one for me.
I'll have 2 for ya bud !  
 How's that baby ?  Big sister gettin' jealous yet ?  

Uh oh , I'm thread jackin' .....SORRY !  
Baby boy is gettin big. He has a temper to go with his red hair. Big sis tries to be his other mom. Kinda cute.

Drunk Drivers.
what can a guy say.

I did a Rescue/EMS call at 06:40 today, it was refreshing to find that there was NOT any alcohol involved, just a 14 yr old driving on the highway that drifted off into the ditch when talking to his Dad, who was in the passenger seat. These kids learn fasat enough, IF they live that vehicles are very dangerous, and that oversteer has to be learned.

I have been to so many wrecks with drunks, some die, some dont. More often than not, they kill someone else.