Got the Busa.....


.....Yesterday!!! Man that thing is absolutley powerfull!!! Got the Y2K Blue/Silver Busa. Can't wait for the break in period to be over and done with and I get some real oil in the crankcase. Anyway there's lots of power to play with under that 5500 RPM ;-)

Well off to the streets I go ......not sure how long this nice weather will seems to change in a matter of minutes up here lately (Canada).....Hey Maniac get your bike together and we'll go for a scream!
Congrads on your new purchase. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Had the chance to take the busa to Florida for bike week. Even took it to the track for a little while. Have FUN.
I picked up my Blue/Silver Busa yesterday also...and today we got 10 inches of snow.

I hope someone isn't trying to tell me something ;-)
It just took me a while to find it. I was looking in the wrong place. Are you and wife going to the ride this weekend? Should prove to be very nice. We are taking the bikes downtown, depending on the weather