Gov. Arnold in Busa!!

Saw that one awhile back in another post. Just way to over the top for me.
I like the short Yosh can, but I agree a little much for my liken..
Great for the showroom, but a lil too much happen on that puppy for BD to ride it around town. Man you couldn't hide from the boyz in blue!
Hide from boyz in blue? People will think you might be the boyz in blue with that headlight and flasher. Some kind of new cop bike from the future or something.

Wouldn't it be scary if the Highway Patrol or State Troopers start getting issued Busas instead?
Those guys do awesiome work.  The post over at the r1 forum sometimes, except the site owners were pricks to them......  anywho check out some of the other bikes on the site.  The jeepers creepers r1 is cool.

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Yeah, Steve Nunez is one of the best automotive airbrush artists in the fuggin' world right now.

As for the strobes, it depends on state law. In GA clear ones are legal unless they've changed the law since the last printing of the codes. Can't use blue, red, or yellow on public roadways in GA without authorization. They're ok on private property as long as the use doesn't constitute impersonating an officer, etc... Constant burn, non flashing lights of any color are ok.