Anyone have these? Anyone like the way they look?
Yana Shiki Grab Handles - Black - Body Online at MotoSport
Yana Shiki Grab Handles - Black - Body Online at MotoSport
I just bought a Chromed Stock One. Will you be able to lift the bike onto a stand with these.
with no modifications to the hump?
No I will have to cut out the holes on the Hump
That's the first pair I have seen that doesn't need the hump mod!!!
Stop posting I'm trying to take my "S" off!!!
That's the first pair I have seen that doesn't need the hump mod!!!
Not really keen on how they look but was figuring for being a $60/80 mod they might be okay... until I confirmed the price! On sale at $139usd!
I knew mods for the Busa were spendy but man, did I miss something on these? Do people have more money then brains nowadays? ???
it's gonna depend on who you go thru. most after market parts are gonna cost ya. I didn't pay $139 for mine. Why does it make you stupid if you buy what you like. It's your money