Greetings from LoBusa!!


Hey guys.... I know I've been MIA for a while.. Just needed a break I guess... I missed you all on the board and decided I would come back and give you all some LoBusa love.... I spent a week in Whistler, Canada snowboarding.... It was absolutely beautiful!! I went with my ski club and we snowboarded/partied for a week straight... (whew&#33
Here's a few pix of me and my friends on the Mountain. Flying Swann, I met a guy from BC that used to work at a skateboard store down the street from your restaurant. He said you were really cool and he loved seeing all the bikes lined up in front on Sundays.... and that the food was great!!!! Glad to be back on the board and holla at my friends...
Peace & blessings... LoBusa
p.s. sorry to all of you on the East Coast, I know snow is the last thing you are trying to see right now. I will try and get some sunny pix on the bike for you from Cali!!!!

I guess being a speed demon has it's advantages... I get to snowboard with all the guys!!!!!

Happy Hour started everyday at about 2:00pm until 7:00pm... dancing, partying and kickin it and then go out for the evening event until the wee hours in the morning... get up and do it all over again.... This is me and sis (N'ja Girl) starting out at Happy Hour.... Brennanop, Dawnie says Hi!!!!!

Welcome back Lori it's about time. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. It looks like you had a great time.
I'm going to have to agree with Zorander, the view does look good. Pretty women playing in snow, make a brotha wish he was there playing in the snow with cha. Oh well, I'll keep my visions and wishful thinking to myself. Glad to see you all enjoyed yourselves Lo. The pix look nice.

Back atcha Dawnie!!!
Woohoo!!! Looks like you girls had a great time. Good to see you again!
Welcome back.....looks like you had fun. Wish I could've went and learned how to break my neck on a snowboard. Nice pics.
Wow that first pic is pretty sexy sitting in that snow. Makes the snow look nice. the 30 inches of snow we just got could use some help in looking nice.
It just does not look the same.

thank you, thank you, thank you for all the warm welcomes and compliments on the pix!!! it's good to hear from you all again!! jeeze, gettin' emotional here... time for a group hug... (sigh)

MuggaX, love the Avatar, sweet color Busa I might add.. (wink)

BADZXELEVEN, you are too sweet!!! got me blushin'.......

Hey FJ, Howlin Mad told me you guys been riding!! I am so jealous. Can't wait to bring the Busa down there and hit it with you guys!! Sometime this summer!!! Howlin' also said you are awesome on the Busa, and since I know he can ride his ass off, you must be off the hook!!! Lookin' forward to kickin' it wit ya in Cali.....


Lo, Aloha hahahahaha - I was in that very spot in whistler last May, but there was a lot less of the white stuff.
The Mountain biking around there in the summer is NUTS! Oh and hows that sweet twistie road on the drive up? I never saw so many sport bikes, way more that the Harley's!

Glad you had a good time girl - see ya soon - Kent