Grip question.


I have just installed a set of Progrip 719s on my bike. I did the what it said to do, and that was to clean the ols glue off the bars the use alcohol to clean real good let that all dry, Then take soap and water and lube up and slide in to place and let dry for 24 hours. Well the left side is stuck on like a charm, perfect. But the right side came lose and will free spin. Now this being my first bike and all I have never done a grip install be for. My only biker friend in this area says that he has never seen a throttle like mine, in that the 08 busa throttle has the raised bars on it and slots made for the oem to lock in to. Now should I have filed the raised parts down and smoothed it out then did what the book said or is there some other trick to it. Thanks for the help.
I installed the same grips on my 09. You don't need to file anything down either. All I did was spray the inside of the grip with the cheapest hairspray I could find in my wifes bathroom. They slid on easily and were locked into place within minutes.

Take off the loose grip and try that way, I'll bet it will work fine.
You could also get some grip glue at your local motorcycle shop. It is very cheap and works as a lubricant while wet, then dries to hold the grip in place.
i filed the lip on the outside of the throttle tube closest to the bar end. If u don't file it your grip would be raised at the bar end, unless u completely slide it past the plastic lip. I installed harris busa grips, did the same as u making sure to get all the glue off and clean them with alcohol, then used hairspray on both the tube and the grip, and shoved like hell to get it on. Holding good so far. The left side is a piece of cake, throttle side is a bit tougher to get on bc of the throttle tube
My only biker friend in this area says that he has never seen a throttle like mine, in that the 08 busa throttle has the raised bars on it and slots made for the oem to lock in to. Now should I have filed the raised parts down and smoothed it out then did what the book said or is there some other trick to it. Thanks for the help.

Not seeing your grips, most have slots running around them, usually two near the inside of the grip and one running around the the '08 oem grips you had. These slots are for safety wire. I won't go into that but that's what is used to hold grips onto racers. You'll need safety wire and safety wire pliers that twist the wire. Other than that if you can get the grip off, clean thebar and spray hair spray into the grip and jam it'll have seconds to do it before the hair spray kicks, then that grip is going no where:thumbsup: