GSXR thief dies in accident

Holy **** That happened on my way home tonight.Didnt hear about it.Luckily I go south from Fife.Well I guess you get whats coming to you.Hate to see life lost but why risk yourself.
I was reading through some of the comments on the article, and this one caught my eye :laugh:

Good point. Ten times more people are killed each year in police chases than have actually died in the last century.
Steal a vehicle, car,truck,motorcycle...dont matter, your risking your life...thats the way I have always looked at it.
RIP motorcycle thief, hope it works out for the unfortunate people who have to deal with the mess this guy left behind.
There was a fella on the news last night that was near the crash when it happened. Said he heard the bike coming at a high rate of speed then heard the crash. Ran to the scene and found a twenty something year old man laying in the street with one arm missing but alive and watched him bleed to death as he looked on. The arm was in the passenger seat of the toyota.

The rider was unidentified and I believe they said the car was driven by a 22 year old woman.

I feel the same as most of you, I don't feel sympathy for the thief.
I went by a state trooper hiding in the trees on the way home the other day. I was going 65 in a 45, but it is a back country road on the way to my house. He pulled out behind me, but did not turn on his lights. He followed me to a T intersection where I had a stop sign. I signaled and came to a complete stop. Then turned and accelerated at a medium pace and he came through the stop sign. He then did a U-turn and went back up the way we just came down.

He either saw my uniform pants (military fatigues) or was wanting to see if I would run. Since I paid him the respect of knowing that I was wrong and did not run, he gave me a pass.

I feel the road should be 55 MPH as all of the others are around it, but I was speeding either way. Thanks for the break GSP.

As for the thief, I feel sorry for his family, but none for him.
you say sorry for his family...but what about the poor girl that has a extra body part in her tercel...she will have to deal with that for a long time. she probably thinks she killed him. its a lose lose situation for everyone involved. except for the dead thief. that sux. stupid ppl and darin at work.