Had a dream where something happened to the Busa don't know what.
The had a choice of five new ones, the one I got went wrong so I took it back.
They only had one other one left, but it was fitted with a side car, which they would have to take off, so I decided to look at another bike.
I saw a Kawasaki ZX CAT-2, whatever that was supposed to be, I sat on it and it had a big flat screen on the front mudguard.
When I sat on it, the sales man started to pump up the font stand it was on, and I nearly dropped it.
Then I looked on the wall there was a poster saying it went 168MPH.
I remember thinking the Busa went 186MPM, and the new Kawasaki did too, so it couldn't be the new Kawasaki.
I got off it and looked at the front and it had all mud over the front tyre and mudguard and pieces of straw there as well, I asked the salesman why this was and he said they had had a farming theme around the bike.
I looked at the side of the bike and it looked long, and was painted with green, orange a yellow horizontal stripes with downward black stripes about a foot apart.
Then I realized why it was called a CAT-2, it looked just like a Caterpillar.
I went to find the salesman and he was dancing with all the other staff on a big dance floor a the back of the shop.
I ended up having a fight with the salesman, I don't know why.
This dream was so vivid, I can still remember it two days later.
The had a choice of five new ones, the one I got went wrong so I took it back.
They only had one other one left, but it was fitted with a side car, which they would have to take off, so I decided to look at another bike.
I saw a Kawasaki ZX CAT-2, whatever that was supposed to be, I sat on it and it had a big flat screen on the front mudguard.
When I sat on it, the sales man started to pump up the font stand it was on, and I nearly dropped it.
Then I looked on the wall there was a poster saying it went 168MPH.
I remember thinking the Busa went 186MPM, and the new Kawasaki did too, so it couldn't be the new Kawasaki.
I got off it and looked at the front and it had all mud over the front tyre and mudguard and pieces of straw there as well, I asked the salesman why this was and he said they had had a farming theme around the bike.

I looked at the side of the bike and it looked long, and was painted with green, orange a yellow horizontal stripes with downward black stripes about a foot apart.
Then I realized why it was called a CAT-2, it looked just like a Caterpillar.
I went to find the salesman and he was dancing with all the other staff on a big dance floor a the back of the shop.
I ended up having a fight with the salesman, I don't know why.

This dream was so vivid, I can still remember it two days later.