Happy Birthday fellas.
>markyde (38) >wizard (42) >semi (38) >tsmithlxix (38) >jusmoov (34) >Blue Streak (24) >machfj (45) >fortyza (41)
Not to get off topic.
Let's all try to remember Wizard. His birthday would have been today and mikeshardware was on Sat.
They both passed in 04 doing what they liked best, riding the Busa.
Let's try to keep it safe out there.
>markyde (38) >wizard (42) >semi (38) >tsmithlxix (38) >jusmoov (34) >Blue Streak (24) >machfj (45) >fortyza (41)
Not to get off topic.
Let's all try to remember Wizard. His birthday would have been today and mikeshardware was on Sat.
They both passed in 04 doing what they liked best, riding the Busa.
Let's try to keep it safe out there.