Happy Fathers Day Ride

Captain Scallawag

While the wife and kids were sleeping... I made a Mt.Lemmon run in Tucson Az... here's a picture of the Tucson valley from Windy Point it's hard to see Tucson because what looks like smog is actually smoke because the mountain is on fire...... and of course.....

HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all you dads

2016-06-19 07-30-30-759.jpg
I got out yesterday for a tank full but today my daughter came over and made me dinner! Homemade rub on a huge Atlantic Salmon steak, shrooms and rice! Perfection! We went to the shooting range earlier in the day. She's still breaking in the S&W Airweight I got her. I took my Colt 1911. Lots of father daughter/sons there. Had to wait 20 minutes for a lane it was so packed. We watched (the game) before dinner. Great day but sorry my son had to work, on his first daddy's day. My grand daughter at seven months, Stella Rose
I got out yesterday for a tank full but today my daughter came over and made me dinner! Homemade rub on a huge Atlantic Salmon steak, shrooms and rice! Perfection! We went to the shooting range earlier in the day. She's still breaking in the S&W Airweight I got her. I took my Colt 1911. Lots of father daughter/sons there. Had to wait 20 minutes for a lane it was so packed. We watched (the game) before dinner. Great day but sorry my son had to work, on his first daddy's day. My grand daughter at seven months, Stella RoseView attachment 395668

Lol! I love the first pigtails on top of their head like that.
I think my little girl was around a year old when her hair was long enough for that.
Looks like horns....then you find out why!