99% sure I'm going green . Green . YUK . is that how you spell greene . ack... green . Lorne Greene . shiddy actor.
Green Party...shiddy Canadian Enviromentalist Group . Green Lantern....shiddy cartoon guy..... Green....ok , I'm ghetting used 2 it .
I'm going with green for the primary color , thing is , I want Celtic flames , or Celtic something to accent.....
We've all seen tribal flames and this flame an that...
I'm looking for something Celtic....something cool , that my friends here in town can re-create , or the dudes at Tapeworks or similar can reproduce .
"Anyone,class,anyone?" Bueller...Bueller...Bueller...?
Green Party...shiddy Canadian Enviromentalist Group . Green Lantern....shiddy cartoon guy..... Green....ok , I'm ghetting used 2 it .
I'm going with green for the primary color , thing is , I want Celtic flames , or Celtic something to accent.....
We've all seen tribal flames and this flame an that...
I'm looking for something Celtic....something cool , that my friends here in town can re-create , or the dudes at Tapeworks or similar can reproduce .
"Anyone,class,anyone?" Bueller...Bueller...Bueller...?