Have i been breaking the bike in wrong?


well i have put 60 miles on the bike now, and just read the motoman article on break ins, i am freaking out. he says to crack on it hard in first second and third during the first 20 miles? am i too late? I havent taken it over 4000 but have driven somewhat aggressively. havent gone wide open yet either. so am i screwed? are the rings not going to seal properly now? or do i start riding it like i stole it to make the rings seal up? never had a new bike before so i havent broken on in. if you guys have some advice im all ears
I wouldn't worry about it. The Busa has an awesome motor, break it in the way it makes you feel better. I used the Motoman Method on my Busa and had no issues. I've also used normal OEM break-in method on other motorcycles & also never had an issue relataed to break-in method.
well i have put 60 miles on the bike now, and just read the motoman article on break ins, i am freaking out.  he says to crack on it hard in first second and third during the first 20 miles?  am i too late?  I havent taken it over 4000 but have driven somewhat aggressively.  havent gone wide open yet either.  so am i screwed?  are the rings not going to seal properly now?  or do i start riding it like i stole it to make the rings seal up?  never had a new bike before so i havent broken on in.  if you guys have some advice im all ears
I bought a Suzuki GS 1000G new in 1980, and just cruised on the highway to break it in. Always kept the rpm's low and babied the engine. That sucker used 1/2 quart of oil every 2000 miles.

Before I bought my Busa I found the motoman article. I broke in my '05 according to his methods, and it doesn't use any oil and runs great. I usually redline it at least once every ride.

I've read here on the board that people have done the break-in both ways with good results, so I doubt you've caused any problems.

Best advice I can give is make sure bike has been driven a few miles to warm the engine and get the oil to the top end before you play, and change the oil and filter regularly.

I highly recommend a good synthetic!
I took mine to a deserted road and did several 1/2 throttle pulls to 6k and coasted back down in 2nd and 3rd with 4 miles on it, then rode it to my shop and let it cool. After that I rode around fairly aggressively, trying to keep the engine under load, and coasting down through the gears on decel, keeping rpm below 5k. At 340 miles, my buddy with a VTX had to egg me on, and I ended up taking her up to 150 indicated, 8k in 6th gear and decelled back to 60mph. My friend on his ZX9 was behind me, and I asked him if my bike put out any smoke during, and he said none. It's running very strong, and when I changed the oil at 380 miles, there was nothing on the drain plug magnet. I'm beginning to wonder if the manufacturer's break-in method is more to keep new owners from killing themselves before they get used to the bike.
I got my 05 late oct 05. I never heard anything about " break-in" After I had it delivered I drove it a little hard up to about 8500 rpm at times for the first 20 miles. I then decided to gun it. I took it to about 80mph in second (9-9500?). I hit traffic and it was about 45 degrees out and my temp pegged out. I was freakin. I let it go about 20 sec was going to kill the motor but the temp dropped all of a sudden? Never been a prob since. After that first day I read about break-in and freaked again. I took it fairly easy untill about 550 miles. Now at 2300 no probs runs great!
well guys 500 miles now and now problems. i have combined the two break in methods like suggested. seems to be doing fine. going to change the oil and keep on truckin. i thinki i was freaking for nothing lol.
Great news Crackhead..... I used a combo of both as well and have had no set backs so it you were freakin fo nuthin.....
Broke mine in according to the owners manual. Over 16,000 miles without any problems. Doesn't use any oil and runs great. And I didn't kill myself during the break in period

The most important thing during the break in is varying the RPM. Do not just set the throttle lock and just cruise for the first 600 miles.
i used a combination of both and i wished i would rode it like a i stole it seems to ride a little rough between 5-6 rpms think it's just engine wasn't use to going over the 6000 rpm but other than that no problems
I used the motoman method. Biggest thing I would recommend is to go ahead and do an oil change now no matter what method you using.
I have always used the factory recommended break in. It is more logical to trust the engineers who built the engine than some Intrenet guru who you don't know.