Having lots of fun on the Busa


Donating Member
Hello eveyone.. well i was thinking i wanted to sell the Busa as i wasn't having all the much fun riding and coundn't seem to find time to ride. First finding time to ride was difficult because i usally rode in a group and had to wait till we all got toghther, etc.. took planning and atleast a 1 or 2hour time slot. Second.. riding with other is okay, but we were mostly crusing or dowin high way riding.. some it was very fast (over 150 mph).. Out of the whole ride i really only enjoyed that fast high ride.. rest of kind of boring.. (sorry to say)
i have had my busa for 2 years and put over 4000 miles.. but in the last month. i have had more fun than ever...

Since the last month, i have started riding by myself whenever i have time.. sometimes just for 20 or 30 minutes. I go through the backroads which is full of twisties. This is more fun to me then anything else.. I guess maybe i didnt know i could lean that well. I usually only stay in first or second grear, and rarely get over 70 mph. I am having more fun riding close to my house, doing 30 mph around a curve then riding for an hour with my buddies.

Just my opinion, but i have tried some nice twisties, I think the Busa handles wonderfully (mine is stock) However please take your time and my advice drive slow on un-known back roads as sometimes all of sudden a intersection pops up.

So after all this experience, i am having more fun through sharp twisties riding around 60 mph for 20 minutes then fast and long high way blasts mixed with crusing that lasted for an hour. Just my personal taste.

Sorry for the long post, but i wanted to say this, just in case someone else was feeling the same about their bike. I originally bought the busa to because it was the fastest and never thought about handling. It does handle well. :-)

Good luck everyone and safe riding.
4K miles in two years? C'mon bro, you need to ride more! I've put 3,000 on mine in the last two months.

On a more serious note, however, I'm "ridin' your train" regarding the comments you made about riding solo. I not only get more miles in each year when I concentrate on riding alone, but I'm more satisfied when I do less group riding as well. I can go as fast or as slow as I like, turn down interesting county roads whenever I like, and generally stay out as long or as little as I like.

Riding with a friend(s) has its place, but one of the main attractions this sport has over me is the whole Lone Ranger deal, if you catch my drift.
Definately nice to be out there all by yourself at times. Especially when you know the road and have no real destination in mind. Just out for fun and relaxation.
Glad to hear you're having more fun on the Busa.... I would have to say that if your groups are not riding like you want and your not having fun, find another group.

I ride solo and with groups and have just as much fun doing both, specially the last group ride with other Busa owners from this site. Shizznit at the rate I am going I'll need another busa sooner than I thought. Since May of this year I've put 10,828 miles on my baby and we are both loving it.

Have fun and ride safe......
Hehehehhh! Twisties are the Best! I have a twisty little road about 10 min from my house about 14 miles long, 120 turns one way (yes, I counted 'em) and I can rip it and be back in 45 min and then go to work. Gotta have my fix!
..on this weekend alone, I "put" 900 km on my busa.. ..all twisties, very little on interstate.. ..VERY rewarding - all you guys said and more.. ..I am more of a "lonely rider" than most I know - hate to have to apologize every time I want to stop for photo, or vice versa..

..also, I saw 200+ (320 km/h) for the first time.. ..eaaaasy..

yep, it is a lonely road.. if you can find someone to ride along with the same (more or less) habits, the better. Or else, it's "your way, or the hi-way.."
I think the problem here is obvious.

You bought the bike to SHOW. You don't enjoy it enough to own it. If you did you would enjoy NOT being with your friends, splitting off on your own, getting away.

The motorcycle has to be an extension of oneself, not the opposite. You are lacking the ability to be able to know yourself when you ESCAPE from whatever ailes you.

To be able to unwind and lift your spirits up and away from the rest of the world, to not be inflicted by the worlds pressures that surround you.

The motorcycle is a part of you and you apart of it. It is intrinsic. It makes you whole. It has a soul. Without it you are lost. You ARE one.

That's the reason one spends countless hours in the garage hearing, "Honey, when are you coming in?", perfecting little details to show your buddies or people on line the smallest things. But all hugely important to you.

My guess is that your bike is completely stock and collects dust. The chain has never been cleaned/oiled and the tires are barely worn. (4k, well ,that was a no-brainer) and the shop has changed the oil and done every service to record.

I could go on, but I'm already bored and I think I'll go down and put another coat of wax on the Busa and get yelled at again.

I can only hope that you re-discover you bike and/or don't have a partner that is nagging you into selling it, because that is the worst thing that could happen to you and your self esteem. If that is happening to you, you problems are far worse than just not riding your motorcycle.

Bottom line; there are two types of people that own Hayabusas; those that should and those that shouldn't.
I don't have a 'busa yet, but I can maybe understand what you are saying. I have often tried to get people to go riding with me, not because I necessarily think it's more fun to RIDE with someone, but it is fun to reflect on the shared experience of riding through the twisties and blazing down the straights. And on a long ride, it's nice to have someoe to have lunch with.

The one thing I don't like about riding with multiple people is that I tend to try to 'keep up' rather than run at my own pace. Regardless of your skill level, you should always ride at your own pace - that's kind of the point of having a bike in the first place, IMHO.

Also, organizing a group, as you pointed out, can be a chore. The people to whom I have spoken who do group rides tend to be close friends or are well-established groups that have certain schedules and procedures the members are used to. Perhaps you should find one of those if you want a more structured ride.

Still, as much as I bitch to others about not having anyone to ride with, I am perfectly content to blow a whole day just running up and down the local back roads and lesser highways. Most of my riding is done at around 40mph with blasts up to 80 as conditions permit, but it isn't the speed or the cornering which motivates me. It's the feeling of total freedom. I haven't found anything more satisfying that I can do for 8 hours straight.
I bought my busa 6-21-2004 brand new I put the first mile on it . Now it has over 11,000. on it almost all of it has been alone and in my home county we have over 900 miles of road in Owen county KY all roads are 55 ( county roads that is )
and most at 55 your almost dragging your pegs

You just have to make the effort and ride screw riding with others do your thing Be Bronson on a hayabusa
I'm not even thinking of putting my bike up for winter
people ask why do you ride all the time I say can u tell me anything better to do , one guy said sex I go you get more nookie on a Suzuki

Lannie Settles
anyway everytime I ride with someone they are usally out of my mirror sights very quickly, If you wanna ride with me you better be ready cause I stay on all the time
New Busa owner since last Nov.
Just hit 1300 miles of learning yesterday.
All those miles were around my house, twisties and high speed runs ;).
Still have 1/2" on left side and 3/4" on right side of chicken strips.
I'm excited that the end of this week is when I go for my Riding school.
Next month I'm even more excited :) I'm going to do a couple track days and hopefully remove those pesky chicken strips for good!!
You need to look forward to do things on your Busa. Be it tomorrow, next month, NEXT SEASON (other guys only wish they can do what we're doing) you'll have something to look forward too.

let her sit in your garage if you don't have interest now, you'll for sure say to yourself one day "hey, I think I'm gonna go for a spin" If you get rid of her, you won't be able to do that. If you keep her, you can do it anytime you want.
I have a boat that I didn't use for the past 2 seasons because I was busy. This year I took her to get serviced because I wana have more fun this summer.

If you can help it, don't get rid of your toys!
At its core, riding a motorcycle is a solitary activity, when one can give all focus to riding. It is only when a group ride compliments such experience, it gets better - which is rare. More often than not, group rides waste too much time and reduce safety, especially when meeting with random strangers. However, a group with a good fit really enlightens the whole experience.
I gave up riding with groups and mostly ride solo. I found riding in groups too restrictive and to be honest boring and dangerous. I don't go out and ride the crap out of the bike I just ride at my own pace and lose myself in the ride. Last year I made the mistake of selling my 2000 Busa and going to a V-Max for the summer. Well, now the V-Max is gone and my shiny 07 Busa is in the garage for good.