Hello eveyone.. well i was thinking i wanted to sell the Busa as i wasn't having all the much fun riding and coundn't seem to find time to ride. First finding time to ride was difficult because i usally rode in a group and had to wait till we all got toghther, etc.. took planning and atleast a 1 or 2hour time slot. Second.. riding with other is okay, but we were mostly crusing or dowin high way riding.. some it was very fast (over 150 mph).. Out of the whole ride i really only enjoyed that fast high ride.. rest of kind of boring.. (sorry to say)
i have had my busa for 2 years and put over 4000 miles.. but in the last month. i have had more fun than ever...
Since the last month, i have started riding by myself whenever i have time.. sometimes just for 20 or 30 minutes. I go through the backroads which is full of twisties. This is more fun to me then anything else.. I guess maybe i didnt know i could lean that well. I usually only stay in first or second grear, and rarely get over 70 mph. I am having more fun riding close to my house, doing 30 mph around a curve then riding for an hour with my buddies.
Just my opinion, but i have tried some nice twisties, I think the Busa handles wonderfully (mine is stock) However please take your time and my advice drive slow on un-known back roads as sometimes all of sudden a intersection pops up.
So after all this experience, i am having more fun through sharp twisties riding around 60 mph for 20 minutes then fast and long high way blasts mixed with crusing that lasted for an hour. Just my personal taste.
Sorry for the long post, but i wanted to say this, just in case someone else was feeling the same about their bike. I originally bought the busa to because it was the fastest and never thought about handling. It does handle well. :-)
Good luck everyone and safe riding.
i have had my busa for 2 years and put over 4000 miles.. but in the last month. i have had more fun than ever...
Since the last month, i have started riding by myself whenever i have time.. sometimes just for 20 or 30 minutes. I go through the backroads which is full of twisties. This is more fun to me then anything else.. I guess maybe i didnt know i could lean that well. I usually only stay in first or second grear, and rarely get over 70 mph. I am having more fun riding close to my house, doing 30 mph around a curve then riding for an hour with my buddies.
Just my opinion, but i have tried some nice twisties, I think the Busa handles wonderfully (mine is stock) However please take your time and my advice drive slow on un-known back roads as sometimes all of sudden a intersection pops up.
So after all this experience, i am having more fun through sharp twisties riding around 60 mph for 20 minutes then fast and long high way blasts mixed with crusing that lasted for an hour. Just my personal taste.
Sorry for the long post, but i wanted to say this, just in case someone else was feeling the same about their bike. I originally bought the busa to because it was the fastest and never thought about handling. It does handle well. :-)
Good luck everyone and safe riding.