Hayabusa speed limit?


I've heard that this bike is capable stock to get somewhere around 220mph stock. Is this true? And if so, i've also heard that they've put some kind of governor on it so it can't exceed 189mph. How do you get rid of this? I want full potential out of my bike!!!!

Please help!!!!!!!!
the 99-00 had a 220mph speedometer, but like every other stock machine ive seen, it wont do it. 194mph stock is the fastest ive heard the busa does. a couple of things to get to derestrict the bike are a gear position sensor mod or a tre
thats my limited knowledge. i have a 00 model....no restrictions baby

Maybe if you had 100 mph tailwind and going down Mt.Everest you would be able to hit 220 on a stock Busa, but you would either need a Tre....yah....what's a tre?
  or you would need your cumputer re-done so you can get past 186mph.  That is what I think is to be corect.  If I am wrong someone will let you know  

See I new someone would say something I am just slow at typing

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TRE is a Timing Retard Eliminator... The stock bike actually is set to retard the timing at 186 Mph when in 6th gear. The TRE makes the computer think the bike is in 5th gear and therefore the Computer will not retard the timing.

Ehem.. ok I am better now..

First off, to get right to the point..


There.. it will describe what it is and you can purchase it at the same time..

Second... Some people like em.. some dont.. with everything in this world there is a trade off

Third.... If you dont know what a TRE is and you are asking this question.. you should not get one right now.. probably wait and ride your Busa as is for at least another year before you purchase it.... And

I have probably some of the best roads around for highspeed riding (no cars, miles of nothing) I have had my Busa since late 2003, have had it cracked wide open numerous times pegging it out for long distances (I.E. I am sure I was doing the 186, or close)

And I dont have a TRE on mine yet... thought about it a few times but.. havent yet..

Anyway.. there ya go.. go to the link, check it out, purchase it if you want..
I'm impressed... someone actually answered the question without all the TRE antics!
Gee you forgot that you can set your speedo to kph, then use the yellow box to tune it to mph, presto a 0-300 mph speedo. Then you can install a JSD for the limiter problem.