HDTV tuning DVD...


Group Buy Guy
Donating Member
Been looking about getting something to help bring the High Def out in my HDTV. Anyone here ever heard of Avia or the likes? Want to get the best picture I can...
I use Avia and I think it is a good thing to have. The only "problem" is that once you get your tv setup and are used to how it looks, every time you go to a friends house you'll critique their tv. I have used it on my parents movie room and a few of my brothers hd tvs plus another half a dozen or so friends tvs and everyone was happy with the changes.
I've got the DIGITAL VIDEO ESSENTIALS, and although I have yet to go through the whole Disc, it works well also. First, I discovered my upscaling DVD player doesn't do "black" levels well at all, so I been kinda skrood from the start. Is black level important to you? I've found tuning disks attempt to set dark too low to see some of the detail still in the picture. Maybe that's just personal preference, but I WANT to see the lapels of a dark suit in a movie... if it's detail that is there [part of the picture] and I can't see it, I feel cheated. So I always end up turning my bright up a little more

Good luck with your tuning, let us know how it goes
Thanks for the flood of responses.... PM's sent!
This is really good news I've heard a lot of good comments from others using this set-up as well.
these new TVs are almost perfect on color and saturation from the factory, I mean, that's all they do is disply nearly perfect color from the factory. thing I notice is setting the contrast and bright. Again, the contrast is nearly perfect - depending on your taste and room lighting.... but I CAN NOT get my plasma to go bleeding bright, even on full levels. THen adjust the BRIGHT [black level] where I can see all the shades available [is different on every channel, dvd, video game, etc] and I'm good to go.

There is no ONE PERFECT SETTING due to the sources all being different.

Not that you asked, but I thot I'd share vast years of knowledge and experiences.... try not to step in too much of it ;)
I wish mine was set perfect but its almost like it was the display model.....

Everyone and their dog messed with the settings.