Thanks for the informative info Tom.Most people do not know that when you know flow numbers,you can calculate the horsepower and be extremely close.My brother builds very fast street cars and race motors for a living.After he ports a head he will tell the customer the motor will make x amount of horsepower before it is dynoed.He is usually within 10-15 horsepower on a 600 horsepower smallblock,so yes it works.It is then proven on the dragstrip where the clocks have a funny way of humbling big mouth boasters of 9 and 10 second street cars for the "clocks don't lie"!How many times have you heard a guy say my car has 500 or 600 hundred hp,runs low 10's and when raced at the track, he's lucky to break into the 12's(lol)?If your making horsepower,the traps will show it.Wow,I got a little off the subject,didn't I?
Keep us posted Tom.One more note.Your exhaust is flowing 65% of your intake.We always shoot for 80% even on a street motored bike or car for exhaust flow is just as important as intake flow and when you see a bike or car that makes people look twice at the trap speed posted,you can bet the exhaust port or ports are flowing close to 80% or in some cases better(I am talking normally aspirated motors).We have done nitrous motors with the exhaust at 90%!Getting 80% or better does take quite a bit of time and is for very experienced porters though.Most shops will play it safe as not to poke holes into water jackets.