Hello everyone.. New busa rider here :)


Hello everyone..
My name is Deep Singh. I'm from Bangalore, India.

I finally got my first big bike a 2011 White Hayabusa with an M4 slip-on & I'm loving it every moment every second :D !!

Im riding on C mode and it's scary enough for me at the moment :P

I'm very excited to be a part of the legendary .oRg .....

I have 1 question, can i use octane 91 fuel for my bike? or do i need 97 only? We have very less fuel stations which offer 97... where as 91 is easily available... people with experience and knowledge please shed some light on this.. Thank you in advance and ride safe everyone.. cheers brothers :) <3

Attaching 1 photo of me.. getting my Dainese gears this week.. Will start a bit of riding once i have all of those :)

20150612190645 (2).jpg
:welcome: to the oRg :thumbsup:

I believe I read somewhere that octane ratings were different U.S. and Europe / Asia, but 90 up is recommended. I run 93 because that's what's available here

Do the research it looks like you need to run the 97 to me. Best of luck
Thank you all for the warm welcome :)
Hope the 91 here and in U.S. are same but I'll do some research and then fill up..
I'll try and ask other superbikers here.. cheers guys and thanks again.. <3 :bowdown:
India is cool now as they are starting to by more Busa's (according to Suzuki)
enjoy that bike man and be careful!
Deep welcome to the forum.
In India we need Speed 97 as the choice of fuel. Using normal will result in knocking and engine running coerce with increased vibes. Try cycling through regular and 97 if availability is an issue in your area. Our ratings are very different compared to what is available in the States.
Enjoy your ride.
Congrats on owning a Busa !!

thanks man :)

Hi,,glad you joined us..

Thank you :)

Welcome to the mighty org!
Nice Ride!

Thank you :)

India is cool now as they are starting to by more Busa's (according to Suzuki)
enjoy that bike man and be careful!

Yes mate lot's of 600's and 1000's around :) cheers

Deep welcome to the forum.
In India we need Speed 97 as the choice of fuel. Using normal will result in knocking and engine running coerce with increased vibes. Try cycling through regular and 97 if availability is an issue in your area. Our ratings are very different compared to what is available in the States.
Enjoy your ride.

Yes bro I found a place offering 97 :D will start touring soon, cheers.
sweet welcome to the org...glad you got your answer!! sweet looking machine