First off thank you for having me its greatly appericiated. Anyone in the phx area feel free to hit me up i ride every night (riding in 120 degrees during day is a no go) either way finally got my girl after years of waiting watching searching and timing lining up so i figured this would be the best place to start. Simply type in hayabusa and somehow you all always end up in the feed lol. Either way anything i can do feel free to mail me im honeatly dumb as a box of rocks almost when it comes to these bike cough cough the busa is kinda my first bike hahahaha iv riddin off and on a bit but nothing compared to this gen 1 yeah not thw brightest i know but its all about respect in my eyes you restect the bike it will respect you i guess im not a huhe talker by alleams but i answere when ever i can email atm is best way getting ahold of me for whatever hell its taking like over an hour to figure how to post this lol so who knows if there are settong i need to do to be notofiex again thanks for having me its an honor after seeing some the stuff you all have done for each other