

Just wanted to say "HELLO" I work for FEMA and the bike has been sitting after 80+ hour work weeks. Tonight with a sh!tty head cold from work we took her out for a short spin after weeks of work. The bike pulled strong and wanted more from us but, city riding just didn't suit the Busa for what she really wanted, we could not give her more except a short Sunday ride around town. Drinking more scotch than riding for therapy...A Busa sitting in the garage is a terrible thing to waste.......
We hope you folks in Florida are keeping it together. If you have damage by Charlie or Francis call FEMA helpline at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362)

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The folks at FEMA and us are there to help 24/7...I'm just expressing our time off the road and not our work load. If anyone needs help from Charlie, Francis and if Ivan hits please call FEMA 1-800-621-3362 and apply for assistance.
Thank you for being a helpful person.
You would be most welcome here in Vt.
We have had a little bit of rain also.
WHo is this "WE" you speak of? "work we took her out for a short spin after weeks of work" You got a little mouse in your pocket? Is it meant as one of those Imperial "We" sorta deals? Perhaps your a split personality and your own best friend?

Just messing with you man, Thanks for the numbers. So far I think Tampa is going to be in the clear (Knocking on wood) but then I have to wonder where Ivan is going to end up if not Florida...
Probably here. I hate to have to cancel all the invites I sent out. But I might have to do just that. Unless It just keeps moving west. Hate it for them but it will be great for me.

Here's a special # if Ivan hits....1-800-kiss-your-ass-goodbye! Cat 5, damn....when Frances blew thru here it was a trop storm, and we're still in restoration.
Hang on its' going to be a bumpy ride. I might be getting deployed for 30 days to the disaster zone for ISC (Inspections Services Coordinator) work at the DFO (Disaster Field Office). Or the better half and me might be taking on contract inspections work together and be in the area. Either way I or we would like to meet with some of you. Just in case you or someone you know needs the number. (FEMA Help line 1-800-621-3362) This is not my personal # but to apply for assistance. Take care all of you