So, I purchased my first helmet; My old one came with the bike and was pretty beat up. I probably shouldn't have used it for so long and when I could afford it, I rushed out and bought a Scorpion EXO-400. It looked great, was priced great, felt great in the store but when I rode with it for more than 30 minutes, I got the dreaded hot spot.
Well, I researched as best I can and searched for the forums and couldn't find an answer so I came to ask you guys.
If I take my helmet foam and sand it down by a 1/16th or 1/8th of an inch to make it fit comfortably for long distances, am I seriously compromising the helmet? Basically, I'm trying to make a cheapo helmet fit because it's all I can afford. Times are tough and I'm unemployed so buying a new one is not preferred but I wont ride unless its safe. What do you guys think?
I've already sanded it down a tiny amount and managed to make it fit a bit better, but I'd need to trim down on the sides as well as the front a bit more to make it bearable for the 10 hour days to Sturgis.
Also, before people get all uppity about my common newbie mistakes, just remember that I'm a newbie. still learning.
Well, I researched as best I can and searched for the forums and couldn't find an answer so I came to ask you guys.
If I take my helmet foam and sand it down by a 1/16th or 1/8th of an inch to make it fit comfortably for long distances, am I seriously compromising the helmet? Basically, I'm trying to make a cheapo helmet fit because it's all I can afford. Times are tough and I'm unemployed so buying a new one is not preferred but I wont ride unless its safe. What do you guys think?
I've already sanded it down a tiny amount and managed to make it fit a bit better, but I'd need to trim down on the sides as well as the front a bit more to make it bearable for the 10 hour days to Sturgis.
Also, before people get all uppity about my common newbie mistakes, just remember that I'm a newbie. still learning.