Man, I feel for you. I had my tonsils worked on three times (partially grew back)and it's no fun.One of my friends almost died from that operation. It's very hard on adults. Be careful. I also did 3 winters in the Boston area in the early 90s,and didn't enjoy that, although at least I was healthy while I was dealing with it.8=)
I went out with one of my buds yesterday and we did 340 miles of high speed runs over the mountains into the desert. Glorious day, temps in low 70s in the desert. Hit 170 a couple of times, just for drill.
Someday you need to come out to Socal this time of year and spend a couple of weeks riding. Changes your whole perspective on life for a while. Shipping or hauling the bike is a hassle, though.
Next week when we go out again, I'll be thinking about you.