
Re-Recycled, Busa-Less...
Donating Member
OK I Got Frame Under seat, But I Got the mover there at my place right now crating up Lilah and the fugger is asking me where to tie down without damaging plastics???

Where Do I tie on??? NO Time to Buy a Canyon Dancer or any other sh!T....

Real Experiance???

Take all the plastic off

Then you will have all kinds of places to hook on to.


Sorry man I just had to say it.




Thanks BUT Fug Me... I got Some hardley Mech at the house.... ANYONE ELSE?
Hey Rev,
I'd prolly yank my side plastics too.... without a canyon dancer or something similar your going to get some serious scratches even with towels or whatever in there. If you don't have the time then I would tie off on the top of the fork tube. run the strap around the tube and use the hook to hook back onto the strap material instead of directly to the bike. Then put a towel (folded several times) under the strap where it comes over the top of the plastic on each side. I had to use this method when I broke my front wheel....worked well with no damage, but it wasn't a cross-country haul either.

Good luck bro....
Thanks Folks, Got it.

Guy Built a Custom floored Pallette for Lilah, The floor of which was built like a freaking tank. Anyway, he had the front and rear tire's blocked with 2X4s, and then he used lag bolts and tie downs to anchor the bike down. He ran two straps up and over the lower forkclampsup inside the fairing, and since he can mount his bolts anywhere on the floor, he had them positioned very well. The rear end he strapped down over the rear tire. Strap runs up and over the rear and down slong the swing arm under the pipes.

Over all looks like she isn't going anywhere. I'm comfortable anyway!

Sppoky though, having Lilah all boxed up, won't be seeing her for a couple of weeks anyway....
Sounds like she is strapped down pretty well! I didn't see this until now, but was going to say you could strap down from the lower triple clamp for the front and I probably would have used the swingarm or the passenger brackets for the rear. Good luck!
Thanks Folks, Got it.

Guy Built a Custom floored Pallette for Lilah, The floor of which was built like a freaking tank.  Anyway, he had the front and rear tire's blocked with 2X4s, and then he used lag bolts and tie downs to anchor the bike down.  He ran two straps up and over the lower forkclampsup inside the fairing, and since he can mount his bolts anywhere on the floor, he had them positioned very well.  The rear end he strapped down over the rear tire.  Strap runs up and over the rear and down slong the swing arm under the pipes.  

Over all looks like she isn't going anywhere.  I'm comfortable anyway!  

  Sppoky though, having Lilah all boxed up, won't be seeing her for a couple of weeks anyway....
So- you're really going to Seattle- hope you got some good rain tires. Oh well, atleast it's not flat and straight out there.
bronc3, I am actually leaving... Would have prefered to wait until spring but... Whatcha going to do? Take care...
Front ties and blocks... Like I said the guy sshowed up with what is basically a floor out of your house. Then Lag bolted the anchors to 4X4 runners under the deck. OVER KILL I think is the word here.

And this I thought was pretty ingenious. 2X4 with a cardboard backer, pressing down on the seat a bit, compressing the rear, and really locking the whole thing together.

The Big Flat box next to Lilah in the first pic is the Slate from the Pool Table....
Apparantly they have some muscle coming to move today...
smile.gif to this too late...

I was gonna tell you to be careful about the side fairings...the lower part has some tendencies to get scratched up while the bike is being moved.

When I had mine shipped from TN, the lower parts had some scratches...all the way down to the plastic itself. Fuggin movers....fuggin craters...fuggin a-holes.

It was really secured, but boy...what a price to pay. of luck on the move...I hope that Lilah gets to WA unscathed.