Here\'s a stupid idea how to get to 200mph.


I'm just starting to recover from the flu from hell and I did get this idea while my brain was simmering in my 101F. blood so I guess that explains it.
Anyhow while I was checking out the labusas site the picture of all the busas parked together got me thinking. You get 5 or 6 stock Hayabusas together and their respective psycho nut case riders. You would have to be a psycho nut case to try this. Go out to the desert to a long stretch of road, line em up single file and wind out every gear all the while having them stay 6 inches apart front to back. Then as the 950 horsepower Hayabusa freight train roars past the radar gun, POOF,
200+MPH. What do you guys think? Is this stupid or what? It makes me laugh just thinking about it but theoretically I think it would work.
Anybody watch bike (as in bicycle) racing? One racer out on the road by himself can maybe hit 38-40mph max. Cutting through the air all by himself makes it too hard to go any faster. But when he teams up with a group of other guys and they start slipstreaming with each other it makes it easy on everyone to go 45-50mph. Thats a pickup of 15-25% speed with no extra power needed.
I know no one would ever try this but it sure would be awesome to see. Sort of reminds me of the SpeedRacer episode with the mammoth truck, just like a freight train on the road, lights flashing, horns blasting, crushing everything in its path hahahahaah I'm really getting delirious now. Guess its time to put the icebag back on my head and cool my fried brain before I kill the few remaining cells that still work. :)

[This message has been edited by RobBase (edited 22 December 1999).]
P.S. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone on .org from Rob,Darlene,Pluto,Tucson & Odin.(The last 3 are our beagle, sheltie, and German shepherd.)
I'll try. Count me in. I just wanna be in the lead so that when I hit that oil patch at 200mph+ that I'm killed instantly by the 5 riders behind me. Give me a day or so to write my will and take out all my enemies. Anybody out there need someone taken care of? Just float the bill for my visit to the Mustang Ranch NV beforehand. 'nuff said.
Actually this would work!! For anyone that knows anything about Nascar restrictor plate racing, the cars go faster when they are in a tight draft. A Winston Cup car on its own will go about 193-194 mph, but when they get 3 or so in a draft they can get near 200 mph! The same formula should hold true for our bikes as well. Anyone want to give it a shot? I would say no less than 3 bikes and no more than 5.
there is no reason at all that this wouldnt work...

OK, one bike going throught the air has to over come the initial impact of the air on the front end and then the air coming off the bike will create a low pressure area effectivly pulling the bike backwards. now you get two bikes in line and the front bike will only have to over come the initial hit, and the rear bike wont have that initial hit but will has to deal with that low pressure area. Now, you keep adding bikes and the effects will be magnafied. I would assume that the bikes in the middle, theoretically, could run less throttle because they dont have either force against them.

make sence??