Thought about riding the bike a bit today. (08 1k with 3100 miles). She started fine and the idle was normal. I let her warm up a bit and took her down the road. Noticed her stuttering and surging at constant throttle. When I cracked the her open, back to normal scalded dog state.
The problem persisted going at a steady speed. So,...I ran some more gas out and put fresh 93 in. Ran her some more....Same problem.
So,...Added more fresh 93 this time added stabil (hoping it might get any water out). Same thing.
I hope I'm not chasing my tail. Any suggestions.
The problem persisted going at a steady speed. So,...I ran some more gas out and put fresh 93 in. Ran her some more....Same problem.
So,...Added more fresh 93 this time added stabil (hoping it might get any water out). Same thing.
I hope I'm not chasing my tail. Any suggestions.