

Cool Breeze
Donating Member
I had a hesitation/surging in all gears at 4500 rpm's. It's been going on for a while, since the dealership installed a custom map. I tried reloading the pcIII 005 map and still no luck. I read on another post that they install a t.r.e. and it stopped. I re-installed the one a had for years and it worked...Why???????
The only thing I can think of; Installing the TRE put the computer running the 5th gear map in all gears. This changed the tune in some way. Others with more knowledge will chime in soon.
if there was a surge, I would bet it was lean.. best to have that "custom" map fixed than try to mask it with timing or fixed gear map.. (well that would be my plan anyway) Get it to a real tuner.. you will be glad you did
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The TRE is telling the pc to run the fifth gear map...which is most likely a little fatter than the 1-4 gear maps are on the low end. (richer)
Sorry guys, I don't know much about the tuning process. But I was under the impression that the map wasn't per gear but from throttle position 0 thru 100. Wouldn't it be the same map in all gears? With my original problem being in all gears at 4500 rpm's. By adding the tre it stopped the problem but if it went to the 5th gear map I would still have the same problem, so what map did revert back too? Apparently when I added the tre it's bypassing the pcIII rendering it usless whether you have a custom map or not. It did help the problem and I still would rather have a custom map that worked vs the tre fix. Dang I need to get out and ride instead of thinking about this....:11doh:
Sorry guys, I don't know much about the tuning process. But I was under the impression that the map wasn't per gear but from throttle position 0 thru 100. Wouldn't it be the same map in all gears? With my original problem being in all gears at 4500 rpm's. By adding the tre it stopped the problem but if it went to the 5th gear map I would still have the same problem, so what map did revert back too? Apparently when I added the tre it's bypassing the pcIII rendering it usless whether you have a custom map or not. It did help the problem and I still would rather have a custom map that worked vs the tre fix. Dang I need to get out and ride instead of thinking about this....

Any other suggestions?
save yourself a lot of grief here.. take the bike to a real tuner (dealer typically install some pre-fab generic map and charge you too much $$) the tuner will fix the thing and you will have a bike with butter smooth throttle at all settings..

Trying to hodgepodge this thing with "custom map" pc3, TRE is like shooting at a flock of birds with a bb gun..
Here is the deal. Your problem wasn't a fueling issue. It was timing. TRE fixes the timing problem due to emissions in the first few gears. A tuner cannot tune your pcIII to fix the timing unless you have the add on module for timing as well. You can't attack a timing issue with a fueling solution. My opinion.
Posted via Mobile Device
save yourself a lot of grief here.. take the bike to a real tuner (dealer typically install some pre-fab generic map and charge you too much $$) the tuner will fix the thing and you will have a bike with butter smooth throttle at all settings..

Trying to hodgepodge this thing with "custom map" pc3, TRE is like shooting at a flock of birds with a bb gun..

+1 on that

I have the HMF high rise and ran the standard hmf map off the PC website.

Took it to a very good tuner who not only thru away my crappie ebay tre
(bought a good one since then) but said I was running real lean. He said
not lean enough to damage anything but he richened it up. My number went
from 163 to 170 hp and my throttle response is freakish...I snap the throttle
almost feels like it'll snap the chain.

Don't fool around with it...take it to a good tuner. WORTH EVERY PENNY. :bowdown:
save yourself a lot of grief here.. take the bike to a real tuner (dealer typically install some pre-fab generic map and charge you too much $$) the tuner will fix the thing and you will have a bike with butter smooth throttle at all settings..

Trying to hodgepodge this thing with "custom map" pc3, TRE is like shooting at a flock of birds with a bb gun..

I second that!
I would also check the kickstand switch. This could be the problem and putting the TRE back on could have bypassed this problem.
My number went
from 163 to 170 hp and my throttle response is freakish...I snap the throttle
almost feels like it'll snap the chain.

Ignition timing runs right back up to full advance in the same degree. I used a door knob circular drill kind of a hole in the pickup crank cover. Glued a round glass from a compression tester gauge over the hole. Set a camera and a timing light on the pickup and tone wheel. Started to set the tre(s) to see if the timing would change? At full advance, nothing change as if it would retard at full lock a few degrees forward.

Come to find out it locked to the same full advance mark no matter the hack. I painted a few tone wheel teeth to see what this retarding thing you all were talking about? My conclusion was just a faster advance curve in the hard set as I read Smitha's website or the hack site. I have Kawi's OEM kit-ECU's software editing program, the Busa ECUeditor too.

I think I've collected a limited amount of data from these sources, see the hard sets 5-6. I use the book's number-6 as the number. You repeat the 5th gear map is the same as the 6th. I think the ECUeditor software showed a radio click for 6th gear. I think it was the kit-ECU's program that had the red bars locked in the hard set with 5-6 as that hard-lock. Maybe it was RidgeRacer's map pulled from one of the ECU's?

Up to this point, the advance moves in a faster rate. If you want to say the lag is eliminated with the tre or what you call, 'retard eliminator' is fine with me. Since the tone wheel remains locked at the same degree I mash the throttle to red line, I don't know how many times in hack mode, did the advance move right back to full advance.

It [the tre] did not eliminate any ignition retard degree and move to a more advanced degree, like moving away from TDC, meaning, before top dead center. That is what I concluded to with the timing light on the crank and 5 toggles blowing codes right and left. All I see is nothing moving any retard [my] crank degree continues to remain at full advance. Are you with me so far, I have to keep repeating the same principal is the consistency seeing how 'RETARD" is being used as the nomenclature.

You snap the throttle, you feel that advance being very twitchy, and very fast on the throttle apply. It will alter the fuel maps because you cannot separate the two as they counter check each other. For example; A carb will suck out the jets the same fuel feed no matter if you move the distributor or points gap to advance/retard the ignition settings a tiny bit. You have that luxury, but not with FI. You are locked out without the editing software.

Stay with me on this; but tre hacked, you set both a new ignition/fuel and one has to follow the other in the scheme of things. There is no way the tre can move only the timing maps. This is fuel injection where we are outside the ECU, you roll up to codes rather than thinking you can ECUedit one section of the ECU being the ignition map only? Think about that code set. The bike would be unstable if both were not programmed and re-machined through that chip that does the final re-plot.

Your air speed changed at the stepper motor, so does the ign/fuel. You saw a rise in torque and that HP rise is the torque coming through the faster air cleaner opening<old or the new> throttle body secondary throttle plate moving faster. I then took my camera, aimed the lens at the throttle plates that are on the side of the throttle body. When I threw the one tre setting, I notice a faster secondary throttle movement.

There is your, 'freakish response' is the air entering faster is all she is doing. That stock mode surge is a slower, smoother ignition curve in the soft [economy] setting. That [cruise] lag is getting you ready to open the secondaries in a more linear rise in power. If you removed the secondaries, you would have an even faster air moving event than the tre moving things faster in the stepper motor ratcheting. Any of it make sense yet?
