Hey from Colorado!!!


oRg Gal
Staff member
And proud to say after a 15 minute visit to Invesco Field, we were asked to get off of the fountain monument for "our own safety" by a magical voice in the sky, or the squeaky speaker somewhere around the front of the stadium

Go Broncos!!

I love the Rockies...miss being here

Ex Coloradoian here as well.... Colorado Springs!
Nice pic Vabs what brought you there?
And my two being calm for 2.2 seconds to take this shot...

It's just the kids and I (and my Dad) on this trip, so I'm heading to the Broncos team store to decorate our Jeep with huge Broncos items because I know Mike would appreciate it, just like I appreciated him putting Redskins license plates on our Jeep...


Ex Coloradoian here as well.... Colorado Springs!
Nice pic Vabs what brought you there?
I didn't know you were from CO
I was born here, Mom moved back here last year and my sister's been here with her family for a while now, so we're just visiting family and getting my kids off of the east coast for a while
Enjoy that trip, Chelle! Ain't missing much but heat and wet weather.
I think you're having fun
We are, but it's that kind of hurry up and wait fun, then at the end of the day you wonder what you just did and why aren't the kids worn out like you are LOL

It's tough juggling visits with everyone...today I think we'll just drive to the Rockies and let the kids see some real mountains
Have fun out there! We will try to make a general mess of things while you're gone

Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to get a pciture of yourself on the back of one of those horses at the stadium..hand the kids the camera and tell them to keep shooting pictures as the nice policemen are dragging you away
I just don't feel like going to jail today Lycan...I know, I'm such a disappointment LOL
Looks like you're having a good time, Chelle! Enjoy the much needed break.

BTW, I won't say anything about the fact that you passed right thru KC and didn't stop to say hey to the KC peeps.