Hey Lyle!!!

OB_dave p

numbnuts did you get the tensioner ? have you got an address so i can get one too many going pop.Sunday what a gas might take you on next time if the frame can take it
Where have you been hiding??

I haven't seen you post for ages, was starting to get a little concerned as to your welfare!!

Good to hear from ya, the man who fixed my TPS over the Net !!!!! :)
Nuts...I'm alive and well thank you... I lurk here every day... There's a picture of me and "Fast-Red" over on Labusas under the topic Ephrata Sport Bikes. As if anyone GAS.

BTW the AFC and NFL are American football leagues.

When are you folks going to accept the Euro as your currency. Then we can travel there cheaply.
Not before theres a riot in this little old island!!

Keep the pound!!

did you read about one of the large supermarket chains defying the EU over metric markings of foodstuffs and converting back to Pounds and ounces??

Bloody good show what?!!

marvellous. The way forward

You Brits sure do march to a different drummer. We invented automobiles and driving on the right. You folks decided on the left just to be different. Or are you going to tell me you've been driving your horse carts on the left since medieval times.
Something like that!!

Wasn't it something to do with the Romans as to why we are on the left??

Swords in right hands??
I'm not sure.

There must be a historian or something among us who can enlighten our bike orientated minds.......

March to a different Drummer. I like that!!

I thought Herr Benz invented the automobile......I might be wrong.....

Nuts ;)
I read somewhere they can jail your a$$ for not obeying the metric etc. crap?

Are you

Riot Nuts?


tensioner still hasn't turned up....but it's touchdown is imminent!!

Tensioner is not on the site, ring them and order it.
(£38 +VAT I think it was)

I am dealing with a chap called Steve. Seems very helpfull. If you do contact him, tell him that i put you onto them, and ask where mine is would ya!!!!!

cheers mate
Redline number is proving to be elusive. I think it was in a car mag...........I'll try again tonight

regards to Mrs daveP!!(did you see your piccy on labusas?? Nice Leathers!!!)

Nuts ;)

Looking forward to Santa Pod........you up for it?? You know you want to!!

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 25 July 2000).]
Lyle - you invented the Car?! you may have well mass produced it first but invented it - no, you can thank the Europeans for that.

First self powered car was in 1770 (steam powered) the French.
First Motor car (petrol powered) Daimler Benz 1885.

First front engined car with 4 wheel the French again 17 years before a Model T turned a wheel.

We drive on the left because it is the English gentlemans (Victorian) convention that everything goes to the left, for example, when you walk towards another person you step to the left to avoid them etc. This means no messy Tangoing with strangers and dignity is retained.

(PS the royal opera house was lit by electric incandecent lighting 80 years before Edison 'invented' the lightbulb.)

Americans sure have a strange version of History! :)
I knew there was a Brit History major that would set me straight. Probably explains why I seem to dance with strangers while walking the streets of Basildon. No one ever accused us Americans of being Gentlemen, we have a better reputation than that.
No not Fix or Repair Daily...

I prefer to keep my employers name private so I'm free to express my opinion.