high mount pipes with baggage?


Hello from a newbie. Hope this isn't a stupid question. I recently purchased an 06, can I mount Givi bags or Rocket soft baggage if I purchase high mount pipes. The HMF's look great, I havent seen the Yoshi's.
you'll have a tuff time with that...you might be left with a tailbag and tankbag as yer only choices.

The bags will have to hang off quite a way to stay off the pipes.

Its not that heat is really an issue anymore with the introduction of carbon fiber and other can coverings.The bags will just look .... odd.

o ya....welcome to "The Greatest Show On Earth", that and a very cool website(the best).

and ahhhh... don't pee in my pop ok....

Hope this helps, standard mount pipes, Tour Master bags. Oh yeah, welcome.

The highmounts will be right at the bottom of those bags and running right through where the signals are.
Thanks alot! As you can see I am in a situation. The only reason I am looking at the hard bags Vs soft is I like the trunk backrest for my wife. I don't want to unload her. You see, I told her this is a touring bike. Maybe I should go with the low pipes, eh? Which mounts do you use on the tourmasters? I never pee into pop, just into the wind.
Pops was just showing me how they go on, so not sure if there are mounting options?

Why would he give me those bags- because he runs these bad boys..................
