For What It's Worth, higher octane gasoline actually contains _less_ energy per unit volume. The higher octane is (generally speaking) achieved by adding knock inhibitors -- the more knock inhibitors per cc of gas, the less combustible material is available to make oomph.
The reason to put higher octane gas in your engine is to prevent knocking. You'll get the most horsepower from the lowest octane gas you can run without knocking.
Now, that's the _old_ world view [Hey, I'm old, I'm allowed.]. Today you have to factor in knock sensors which sophisticated ignition control systems use to prevent pre-ignition -- they actually "listen" for pinging and retard the ignition from nominal until the pinging stops. This of course results in _reduced_ horsepower. I don't know if the ignition system in the 'Busa is that sophisticated.
Bottom line: The 'Busa is designed for 91 octane gas -- use it, and it'll be happy.
[This message has been edited by Falconer (edited 15 August 1999).]