High Quality, Floor Mount, Punching/Kicking Dummy


Donating Member
I have strength trained all my life, the good cardio stuff has been hit and miss. Dr. says do more cardio, I want to use my dusty/amateur Karate skills as my cardio. The Karate will also help my flexibility.

I need floor mounted,(going to use it inside), good quality, kicking/punching dummy. I have been looking on Ebay etc. Anyone have any examples or suggestions?

Thanks, John
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Not sure how involved you want to get but one of the Wave Standing bags might be worth considering.

The bags I'm talking about have a hollow plastic base with a center tube (looks like a big water bottle) and a foam outer. Fill the base with water or sand to weigh the bag down. After you fill them they weigh between 250-300lbs.

Wavemaster bags

They dispel energy pretty good (less personal injury) and feel closest to what a person feels like over a sawdust bag. The only downside is if you are pretty aggressive they will have a tendency to wander.

I like the water core bags more and more, especially if you just want to put on some light gloves and not go through the trouble of wrapping your hands (I acquired a "boxer's break" a couple years ago).

*I don't have a standing bag, but I do have the Wave water core hanging bag.
Not sure how involved you want to get but one of the Wave Standing bags might be worth considering.

The bags I'm talking about have a hollow plastic base with a center tube (looks like a big water bottle) and a foam outer. Fill the base with water or sand to weigh the bag down. After you fill them they weigh between 250-300lbs.

Wavemaster bags

They dispel energy pretty good (less personal injury) and feel closest to what a person feels like over a sawdust bag. The only downside is if you are pretty aggressive they will have a tendency to wander.

I like the water core bags more and more, especially if you just want to put on some light gloves and not go through the trouble of wrapping your hands (I acquired a "boxer's break" a couple years ago).

*I don't have a standing bag, but I do have the Wave water core hanging bag.

Sweet, just what I'm looking for:thumbsup:

What about hitting this guy around 30+minutes, every other day?

Ah, "Bob" (i think). i've seen them in some of the schools. never tried it myself, but can see where some people would benefit from having an "opponent" of sorts for placement.

I can't speak for any of it's durability, but then even a traditional bag will suffer if you practice with striking weapons (non blade of course) like Escrima sticks and the like.

Depending on your routine and what you might want to do (maybe practice chokes, etc.) it might be what you are looking for. If I were getting another bag I would still go with the "regular" style (water core). If for no other reason than I would have the option to vary my routine with boxing drills or dropping the bag low for leg strikes.

In the end I think it comes down to personal preference and what your training focus is.

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Something I use at home is actually really cheap and low quality but it is killer cardio. I Thai box and for workouts at home I use a Bally's Water Base Blow up bag. I stand a little farther away then I would a heavy bag but still not allowing full extension and I go about 60-70%. This totally kicks my @$$ better than any tread mill (I hate running) or regular heavy bag workout (I currently use a heavy bag at my gym wearing my body armor (25 pounds or so). My cheesy $20 Bally's Bag smokes me much more. It took me about 2 weeks to make it all the way through with out needing to rest after crunches or push-ups (and I thought that I was in pretty good shape).

My workout:

Right foot forward - rt jab X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Right foot forward - rt jab+left cross X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Left foot forward - lt jab X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Left foot forward - lt jab+rt cross X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Rt elbow X 100 then 10 quick crunches
Lt elbow X 100 then 10 quick crunches
Rt knee X 100 then 10 quick regular push-ups
Lt knee X 100 then 10 quick regular push-ups
Rt Shin kick X 100 then 10 quick crunches
Lt Shin kick X 100 then 10 quick crunches
100 foot jabs alternating for a total of 50 each legs then 1 inch push-ups burn out

I hope this helps both your bag selection and your cardio workout.
Something I use at home is actually really cheap and low quality but it is killer cardio. I Thai box and for workouts at home I use a Bally's Water Base Blow up bag. I stand a little farther away then I would a heavy bag but still not allowing full extension and I go about 60-70%. This totally kicks my @$$ better than any tread mill (I hate running) or regular heavy bag workout (I currently use a heavy bag at my gym wearing my body armor (25 pounds or so). My cheesy $20 Bally's Bag smokes me much more. It took me about 2 weeks to make it all the way through with out needing to rest after crunches or push-ups (and I thought that I was in pretty good shape).

My workout:

Right foot forward - rt jab X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Right foot forward - rt jab+left cross X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Left foot forward - lt jab X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Left foot forward - lt jab+rt cross X 100, 10 quick wide arm push-ups
Rt elbow X 100 then 10 quick crunches
Lt elbow X 100 then 10 quick crunches
Rt knee X 100 then 10 quick regular push-ups
Lt knee X 100 then 10 quick regular push-ups
Rt Shin kick X 100 then 10 quick crunches
Lt Shin kick X 100 then 10 quick crunches
100 foot jabs alternating for a total of 50 each legs then 1 inch push-ups burn out

I hope this helps both your bag selection and your cardio workout.

Great Info!:thumbsup: How long does this routine usually take you to complete?
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Ah, "Bob" (i think). i've seen them in some of the schools. never tried it myself, but can see where some people would benefit from having an "opponent" of sorts for placement.

I can't speak for any of it's durability, but then even a traditional bag will suffer if you practice with striking weapons (non blade of course) like Escrima sticks and the like.

Depending on your routine and what you might want to do (maybe practice chokes, etc.) it might be what you are looking for. If I were getting another bag I would still go with the "regular" style (water core). If for no other reason than I would have the option to vary my routine with boxing drills or dropping the bag low for leg strikes.

In the end I think it comes down to personal preference and what your training focus is.

I'm not much on the "flying roundhouse" type kick, this would most likely look like me:whistle::laugh:
Sweet, just what I'm looking for:thumbsup:

What about hitting this guy around 30+minutes, every other day?

i tried this type.....my problem is that the base is too wide, which would cause me to reach to far to hit the bag, and was a bad for my footowrk(which was horrible anyways).

I use this now....good product even if its "everlast", and you can add an attachment for a speed bag as well. cost $100.00 w/o the bag.

punching bag.jpg
+1 on the wavemasters from century. They're extremely durable, easily adjustable height, and the base isn't so big that it gets in the way. My kenpo instructor had several wavemasters in his studio. I don't know how long they were there before I started, but I was a student there for 4 years and they never tore, leaked, broke, etc. The color was wearing off of it from being hit so much, but that was the only wear that they showed. I can't speak for the BOB's cause I've never used one.
We have 4 wavemasters and 5 bobs in the karate school i teach at. Both types are really good.

personally i would choose a wavemaster for cardio drills. The numbered targets can give you endless drill ideas. The bobs are useful for practising strikes to body locations, but as you are looking for just a cardio workout, i would go with the wavemaster or similar.

I think you can even get them now with lights on the target numbers to it can turn into a game of catch the light.

I tried the wavebag ....wasn't happy with it .. this I bought long ago .. and I wouldn't trade it for anything ( Ultraman ) .. nice thing about this is the fact you can have someone standing behind him ( Ultraman ) .. and have that person ( standing behind and on the platform ) use his/hers ...arm to swing at you .. or even kick. ----> IKCA Shop
hope the link works out..