Hill Country Ride?

Guys - I was just telling a buddy yesterday that I'd like to organize a Busa (and other fun riders) ride down to and around the Hill Country.

After Y2k clears and I can get out of town, I'll post some info for anyone interested in Dallas and meet up with those of you down in the Austin/San Antone area.

Happy Riding! (happy new year too)
Factory; both JR7501 and I were thinking about you as we had some great BBQ in LLANO>

Sorry to all you that live north of the river.

JR: great ride after a ride like that you can really enjoy spending money on a Busa.
Thanks again will do it again soon.

Happy New Year.
JC, what about meeting at corner of 71 & 620? There's a Mobil, I think. How about 9 or 10 AM? Head for Marble Falls / Llano?
Now I'm really ticked. I'm in Buffalo, New York at 20 degrees and you guys are planning a road trip. (-; I can't wait to move down south. One more year in baby Alaska. I have to put my busa in storage from November to March every year. That bites, but the good thing is, my mileage is a lot lower. I picked my busa up in April 99 and only have 3000 miles on it. Take care and enjoy your ride. Soja1
JohnnyCheese - Cool man! Y2k is going great - means I'll be able to get out of town soon!!

I'm looking forward to meeting and riding with you guys. We'll have good fun. Watch out 337, here I come!
