Hit by a truck


Don't trust the shop!!! when you ask them for an estimate, they will just look around the bike and give you one, they will however charge you as if they took it apart. When I dropped mine, the bracket where the mirror screws on was bent, they told me that they had taken it apart to look at it, but I had am 100% sure that they just looked at the microfiche and gave me that part number.

Make sure you tell them exactly what happened, and that you suspect of the fork being bent, the wheel, etc...

Good luck, and don't let the shop get you.
...a few variables may affect what I would do....If we are talking a commercial vehicle, a new Busa and ownership of the wreck as well may keep me from suing the fuk outa them....a bro caught short would be billed the amount to restore the bike via repacement or repair....brigh the bike to the "best" shop you know of and tell them to find anything they can....ins co will usualy send thetre own adjuster to the bike anyway...the accident is bacicly inexcusable, dispite the possibility that you probably got too close for the truck driver to see you and you did not expect it to back up! So somone should be glad to buy you a brand new bike if thats all they gotta worry about! Be glad YOU wern't hurt! I couln't ride a new Busa right now if it were parked in my yard!
'lantabusa, nope I didn't rip is face off. Though I should have. I'll have a look at the handlebar position relative to the front wheel. Hard to say about the forks. I am sure they are mighty strong, but the impact wasn't from the normal direction so the leverage doesn't work in the fork's favor. I know my old dirt bike forks bent fairly easily, but the Busa's are massive compared to those.

Hapo, nope I wasn't too close. And he could see me perfectly, if he had only bothered to look.
In the US you do not have to accept the bike back....get a new one...its the law and there`s nothing the insurance company can do about it. Just my 2 cents....good luck...
...well, at least he did not kill you....what is the deal with insurance? His ins co should be buying yo a new bike about now....I know they often try to fuk u in these cases if you are not injured, but you can tied them to court in a number of ways, they know this, and hope you don't or won't! AFTER I had a COMPLETE physical to insure my personal soundess, I would bill them for rec time lost in direct consequence of their clients actions....I would already be talking to my dealer about a replacement, and the value of the wreck that would likly be at his place....does the driver even have ins? Was he driving some classy rig or the farm **** wagon?
Being hit in the same way as you.... (twice)

The insurance jerked me around for a bit before paying for the damage.... Go for the new bike..... If not, replace it all from where the forks join all the way to the nose cone. Even if you have some damage from something else, claim it. If they start messing with you. Start complaining about neck and back pain. That usually sets them straight!

Sorry about the accident, the damage, I know what you feel. Good thing you are not hurt, could have been alot worse if the truck was higher and back right over you.

I remember watching this 5-tonne back up hard and fast onto the hood of my saturn. I remember thinking that if I was on my bike, it would have killed me. Maybe we all can learn a lesson from your bad experience and stay well behind the car in front of us.

Take Care Dude!
I like the new bike angle. I have to find out if there is something like it here in Canada. I will investigate. Thanks for the advice.

I trust you are faring well. That's was great news from cbxchris, we all need to heed.

If you have not, please contact an attorney regardless of a lack of injuries, etc?

That really really sucks.

The insurance/legal industy in the States is far different than in Canada. If you find an insurance co. to replace the bike let me know cause I'm next with all the stuff that I've had broke over the years.

Get the bike checked by the best dealer service department in Calgary. They should let you watch if they are any good. You can check the true of the front wheel yourself with a simple rigid guide up against the rim bead or a micrometer, wheel off the ground and spin it, make sure that the gap from the guide to the rim is constant. You can also check the rake and trail of both forks yourself against the factory specs (24.2 degrees / 97 mm). If the forks are straight and no seeping from the seals then the internals should be good. Dealer should do all of this for you. Sounds like you need to check the frame to make sure that it is true too.

Good Luck.

Well, it happened.

Out for a pleasant drive in the county on Monday. A truck stopped on the road in front of me, to talk to someone in the other lane. I stopped. He put it in reverse, stepped on the gas and ran right into me without looking. I couldn't get out of the way in time.

Anyways, he hit my front wheel, fairing, etc. fairly hard. I'm looking for a little advice here. How carefully do shops 'normally' check a damaged bike? Is there anything I should ask the shop to check for specifically? If the front wheel looks round visually should I take a chance on using the same wheel, or get a new one? How about the forks? Do shops normally tear the forks down to make sure everything is within tolerance?

Just looking for suggestions.
1st, did you rip his freaking face off???
2nd, when you sit the bike does the handlebar to front end look cocked?
3rd how hard, do ya think enuff to bend the forks?
Yeah, Snag, I'll let you know if the new bike angle has legs. I did some surfing last night to see what the Canadian laws are - not so promising from what I saw but I'll dig a bit deeper. Think I'll call my lawyer too.
Tell his Ins Co. you'll only accept all brand new factory parts and replace the whole front end.If you don't or can't do that then have the rim spun on a balancer without tire! to see if its bent! Forks could be bent too, if they look ok no marks from impact you might be alright, but if they were hit you might not be able to see if ther're really bent, only way it to ride the bike for awhile, then have them torn apart,any misalignment will show up on internal parts wearing in places they souldn't be (happened to me!!!)don't release anything to insurance until your positive bikes fixed properly! Good Luck!

Canadian Born and raised myself! Woody!
What part of Canada you from I still have a brother living in BC and a mother north of Toronto
Hayawoody, I live in Calgary. Brought my bike in today for the truck damage.

Talked to a lawyer yesterday. Our laws up here are such that you don't have the option of asking for a new bike. The insurance company is only obliged to repair it to the level that it was - and to try to do so at the least possible cost...

I asked the shop about the rear subframe issue that is just making the news. They hadn't heard a thing and weren't too interested in having a look at it. I'll look at it myself when I get the bike back from repairs.
That's a scary story. Probably the first truly unavoidable crash scenario I have ever heard. From now on, I will stop even further back from stopped vehicles.

Thanks for the lesson, Canuck Busa.

[This message has been edited by Dirty Pete (edited 15 July 2000).]
A friendof mine on a Kawasaki Drifter was backed over by a garbage truck last week. They stopped traffic to back up and the guy riding on the back of the truck didn't yell loud enough to the driver. My friends bike blew the tire, crushed the wheel, bent the fork and frame, etc. The bike was totalled. Luckily he jumped off and wasn't hurt. Here in Buffalo we get very few riding days but he's with out a ride till the insurance co.'s settle. I never heard of the option to demand a replacement bike in NY.