Holeshot Powershifter 3


Anyone have them yet?
How well do they work?
FI light come on?
Easy calibration of the kill?
How reliable are they?(missing gears?)
How easy was fabricating the bracket for the cable?

Don't want air shifter. I may get the HS 3 or the HS 2 with foot shifting kill device. Don't know yet, Hs 2 is $250 cheaper! and my foot still works!

What you guys think?
have holeshot p/s3 works great yes f/i light flickers off and on dennis at motorhead has a kill switch that will stop the f/i light from going off and on i have one have not had a chance to hook it up, he also makes a braket to hold the cable houseing in place real nice piece. burt
Does it hurt anything to have the FI light come on? Does it come on and then go off or do you have to turn the key off and reset the igntion? Does the ECM store any trouble codes if the FI light comes on? The HS 3 is $440 and if I have to buy the kill box From Mhead for $125 that will be close to $600 after shipping for a shifting device!Waaay too much for my blood! Has anyone used the HS 2? Plus the Hs 3 is backordered. Thanks guys.
Can you make me one with a reliable switch for the shifter and a good mounting technique. If you can and give me good installation instructions I will buy one right now! Actually, if you'll make about 5 of them, I have 4 or 5 buddies that want them too but the PS 2 brakelight switch looks kind of weak and unreliable. The PS 3 is just more money then I want to spend, I just want a reliable, consistant ignition kill that is compatible for the busa that soundly mounts to the shift lever! Let me know Mhead and we'll buy em but make em trick! Thanks dude, Alan