Homemade GoPro mount...


A little over the top????




Looks good. I hope it's stronger than mine was. I'm interested to see the videos from it. Mine snapped off on first ride and I never got to see how the view from that angle looked :(


Blanca I missed that thread was that plastic pvc type tubing you used for a base a the "T" ??? I work with that tubing doing fishtanks if it failed there I can understand it... sorry for your loss
Blanca I missed that thread was that plastic pvc type tubing you used for a base a the "T" ??? I work with that tubing doing fishtanks if it failed there I can understand it... sorry for your loss

Yes Manny it was. I bought a PVC T and cut the 'T' portion of it in half. Then I used a piece of bicycle inner tube to pad and protect the grab rail and screw clamped it on as seen in pics. It was fine and worked great for cruising but I was on I95 coming home trying to beat the rain and pushed it past it's limits. :(
How are you going to keep the entire assembly from rotating? (bolted to exhaust hanger?)
Danger Will Robinson!

Oh man that is dangerous business having it mounted to that. Seeing Blancas thread of when his broke... Pashnit is right about the rotation because of the exhaust hanger bolt. Do you have something to keep it from rotating?
If you can keep it from rotating, it will work great btw.

None of these worked in case you're wondering. The torsional stress caused by the weight of the arm was the downfall. If you can hard mount it, it'll work.

Also note the 170 degree view of the camera, it's hard to keep the 'post' out of the frame.






You could grab a spare grab bar, weld a tripod made of thin pipes with a good base at the top to mount the camera. I may end up trying something like this... Of course paint the contraption so it doesn't look hideous, but I imagine it would get the job done nicely and safely
Yep this is my new project prior to the bash... Now in the concept and design stages... Time to go snag a cheap grab bar off ebay...
Hey guys; thanks for the comments and suggestions! I actually did a test run a little while ago but only got it up to about 55MPH (city streets); so far it holds up nicely with no movement. The pole is made of aluminum and I am told it will hold better than PCV pipe (crosses fingers)! I will try and post a clip when I get home. No rotation noted at this time, it seems pretty tight!

Of course the freeway will tell the tale! Hopefully it will pass the test!!
Why no lanyard? If the pole is unstable, and could bend and/or break, does that mean the camera will be gone when you stop? ??? Might need some R & D, but anything to not lose the expensive camera. Just sayin'
Btw, someone asked what the view was like from that height:


Here are screen shots from that clip of video we shot.

Lasted 1/4 mile before the pole fell over. :(



In this one, the pole is starting to rotate backwards & the angle is changing. :laugh:



