Homework Assignment


oRg Gal
Staff member
No matter which side of the fence your on regarding helmet laws, this guy is the epitomy of stupid...

Detroit Columnist thinks victims of motorcycle accidents shouldn't receive medical attention

There was a similar situation months back, and the onslaught of emails finally took the guy down...

Mr. Dickerson's original column:

Wow, he is so insightful

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If I say what I want to say, I'd probably be banned from this site.  D!CK-erson doesn't even deserve the time it takes to voice a comment...

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I've finished my homework... Can I go out and play now?

Mr. Dickerson,

It's a shame to see your anti-motorcycle agenda screaming through in your article. I don't agree with the helmet law repeal either, but to lump all rider into a group of idiots with a death wish is just plain wrong. How can I kill myself? Let me count the ways...
I can choose to smoke or drink in excess. Should we legislate this to your satisfaction as well?
I can choose to overeat or eat unhealthy foods. Should we legislate this to your satisfaction as well?
I can choose to ride without my seatbelt. Should I be a mandatory organ donor?
I can choose to be a pedestrian in a busy city. Should we legislate this to your satisfaction as well?
I can choose to read your uninformed opinions until my head explodes. Should we legislate this to your satisfaction as well:?
---Actually I agree something might need to be done about the last one.

Get a life!


A happy motorcycle rider who understands there are inherent risks in simply walking out the front door each morning.
Good job boys! Gold stars for everyone...

I'm still evaluating my approach, but I'll email him before the end of the day...nothing worse than a "letter from Michelle"
What a piece of #### this guy is. I went ahead and did my homework and turned it in early.

For an educated man....
.... you sure are a jackass.

Seeing as how you're a columnist for a somewhat respected news source, I would assume you are an educated man (apparently, this is quite the assumption).

Not all motorcyclists are, for the lack of a better term, dumbasses. Not all of us go out and stunt our bikes. Not all of us go ride through town and cut motorists off or run from the police. Contrary to your beliefs, most of us abide by the law just as much as those in automobiles do. I live in Indiana, where helmets aren't mandatory. Does that mean I ride around without one? No. Whether it's 30 degrees or 90 in the summer, I wear my helmet, no matter how uncomfortable it is. Since you chose to lump us motorcyclists together, I (according to your asinine logic) deserve to die and donate my 22 year old organs to somebody more deserving, regardless of the fact that I ride safe and wear the proper gear.

I can only hope that next time you violate any form of traffic violation, you wreck your automobile. Then, when you have violated the speed limit, cut off another car, etc., and you wreck, the hospital can refuse you treatment. After all, you had it coming Mr. "champion of the right to die". Then, seeing as how you're a complete waste of society's time, we can put your organs to use in somebody that deserves them..... no reason to keep them waiting unnecessarily...

Worse yet, what if your wife and children (if applicable) were to find themselves in such a situation? What if they performed a traffic violation and wound up in a wreck? We'll stop there, because I would never, ever wish death or injury upon someone, especially an innocent being (motorcyclists or motorist).

I hope your article was some sad attempt at satire or an attempt to save (what obviously must be) a dwindling writing career. You really are a piece of ####, there's no other way to describe people like you.

Enjoy yourself reading through the flood of e-mails your inbox will be receiving.
Good job boys!  Gold stars for everyone...

I'm still evaluating my approach, but I'll email him before the end of the day...nothing worse than a "letter from Michelle"  
On a totally different subject matter. I watching that movie "View From The Top" last night and I came to a startling revelation. You and Gwyneth Paltrow kind-of favor each other. Now I've only seen a couple pics of you, but the resemblance is a little uncanny. It's more noticeable when Gwyneth's hair is straight as in your "Barbie Busa" pic. Now I don't know how you're going to take this, but in my opinion, I think Gwyneth is one of the sexiest ladies around and she gets very little accolades based on that.


P.S. I know that wasn't the assigned topic, but I'm working on it. I'm trying to convey my sentiments without cussing his a$$ out.
You all forgot the most important thing, CHOICE this DUMBASS is a libreal prochoice MORON, yet he takes your choice away, and demands you give up your choice to wear a helmet or not as well as what to do with your body if anything happens, hmmmm I call that socialistic/communistic/dictatorship hmmm librealism in discise. Anyhow you can choose to kill an unborn child be praised for your choice, but OMFG choose to make helmet law that says you want to choose to wear one or not and your rights are stripped from you. Some libreal scum bag moron wants to choose for you cause to him/libreals you should not have the right to choose what they feel they need to choose for you. Hmmmm Sounds like a typical democrate/libreal to me, 2 face F'n morons this guy needs to be shot in the back of the head. But then again he is in michigan were the poster child for michigan is a truck bomb killing children at a daycare center in a federal building. Their state hero/marter (mcvey).  
 dumbass dickerson.

World would be better with more dead laywers and journalists like dickerson.

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Ok I read the article, he comes off very crass.


His points:

-he doesn't like the helmet law repeal (I agree)

-he doesn't feel the state mandated insurance coverage of $10K is enough to bother with, and will add burden to their communities (I agree)

-he believes that by waiving their right to protection (their helmet) they should be obligated to a responsibility to their community(no helmet=willing organ donor) (dunno actually torn on this one)

-btw "extraordinary measures" (ie: respirators, tube feed etc) NORMALLY don't save a life, it normally prolongs the death.

he sounds like an extreme liberal. He sounds like he supports a person's right to die to avoid pain.

IMHO he had good intention with the article but his technique sucks.
After reading that article I've determined that Mr. Dickerson is an organ donor.

He's already donated his brain....
Hypnotiq Busa

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Location: Louisiana A.K.A. Dat Dirty South Posted: Mar. 23 2005,14:49

If I say what I want to say, I'd probably be banned from this site. D!CK-erson doesn't even deserve the time it takes to voice a comment... [/QUOTE]

Ditto !
I think you all are jumping the gun. He appears to be chastising the MI senate for a really stupid move, I.E. repealing the helmet law *AND* requiring medical insurance for motorcyclists.
He seems as dumbfounded by the move as any rightminded person would be. It really doesn't hurt to wear a helmet and it might save your life. But for the government to go to that length, and actually reverse a law is astounding.
It appears money *IS* everything.

I hope a pissed off harley guy runs over him with his fat boy...

Then the rest of the gang behind him "doesn't" see him laying in the road either...

Wouldn't that be some great justice!?!?!