hot starting help


help please i have a 2000 model busa which a bought about three weeks ago and it has now been back to the shop twice
and still i have a problem when i have rode her up to full operating temp then park her up come back to her about an hour later and the trouble i have at getting her started again mmm lets say it takes a while but eventually she will spring to life

any ideas thanks in advance gazza
I had same problem. I ended up replacing the rectifier (in the tail of the bike), and haven't had a problem since!!!
mmm rectifier had not thought of that one was it expensive and did it give you any more starnge faults like engine dying
when thrashing it
I think the rectifier was about $100. Not sure, it was under warranty. The suzuki dealer was against me doing the rectifier. Said that could not be it. I read somebody else's thread about it, and told the dealer what I've heard. Convinced him to get the rectifier, he did, and now I haven't had the problem since...
thanks for that guess i will test the rectifier this weekend
should keep me busy for a while
i will keep you posted
just found your previous post on the board after reading seams that the problem might be slightly different when my problem occurs i dont get flat battery type symptoms it whizzes over like a good one just dosnt want to fire but i will check rectifier to rule it out anyway



oh, ok. Mine wouldn't turn or nothing. It was a "dead battery" type. My rectifier went bad, properly dissapating the heat, and caused the engine to be too hot trying to restart. I'd have to wait about 30 minutes, or pour water on the engine case to cool it down before it would restart. Yours sounds like a different problem maybe. Are you running a Power Commander? It could be that your PC may need a reboot. Are you getting any FI or other error codes?
Is it verrry slow turning, with pauses in between? Or cranking normally, just not starting?