How can I clean motor oil out of trunk carpet???


Donating Member
Last weekend a buddy bought a car in Nj, so I drove him down to pick it up. The car was an $1100 '85 Carrolla, so I brought a gallon of oil with us. We topped off the new car and put the oil in my trunk, without having the cap on tightly, apparently. Anyway, about a half gallon leaked out and into the carpet. I pressure washed it to try and get the bulk out, then used Simple green, Purple Power and Dawn dish soap to break up the oil, didnt work. :banghead:

Any other cleaners to try?
Leaving those cleaners on it for a while then pressure washing won't take it out??

You may have to find something that "eats" oil, but I don't know what it is..... I have always had great luck with simple green, spray it heavy, and let it soak. Spray it again, and use a scrub brush, then pressure wash
Degreaser formula 88 should get it out not sure how the carpet will hold to that treatment though.
U should be able to take that carpet out of the trunk? And then the pressure washer should take the oil out..
Orange Oil.
Oil breaks down Oil.
Just test a small area, it may stain.
U should be able to take that carpet out of the trunk? And then the pressure washer should take the oil out..

You would think so, didnt work.

Thanks for the tips guy, gonna get after it again tomorrow. And john, Im well aware:laugh::laugh:

Yankee, best I found was $75:banghead:
I have a idea....oil
U might just have to soak it with some kind of degreaser for awhile..
U could always try soaking it with dawn dish soap..
Go-Joe... Or any oil degreaser... Dry best you can then use hand de-greaser....

Then carpet cleaner...

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RUBBING ALCOHOL. Breaks it up quick and easy. Soak and vacuum soak and vacuum soak and vacuum. Repeat till happy. Remaing alcohol evaporates.
You'll never get it all out and oil has an odor to it too. For $75 bucks, toss it and get another. Factor in the cost of buying different cleaners and then all your wasted time and you'll be miles ahead with a new piece.
I run a detail shop, sometimes you can use carb cleaner believe it or not then get a hotwater extracter and shampoo it out, (just rent a rug doctor or similar) you may have to do it a handful of times but should take it out:thumbsup:
I used a bunch of purple power then let it sit in kitty litter for a week, got almost all out. There is still some discoloration and the area that I used a soft brush to work the degreaser in is a bit tattered lookin. Works for now, but I'm gonna keep my eye out for a replacement.

Thanks for all the tips guys. :thumbsup: