How can you beat a Busa?


Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none.
Donating Member
I pulled up at work yesterday and while dismounting, a driver for the company began speaking to me. Here was the conversation.

- Hey man, that looks like too much bike for you.
- Nah, never too much.
- Yeah, I had a bike a while back but it got stolen.
- What did you have?
- A R1. It was chromed out and had about $6000 of engine work. It could take a Hayabusa. Hell, I put $8000 into the front suspension.
- Oh yeah, where did it get taken from?
- I rode it to Bike Week in Myrtle Beach. I had it chained up to 2 other bikes. They took mine and left the other 2.
- Well this (work) is the only place I ride it to and leave it out of my site. Any other time I ride, I do just that ... ride.
- Well you can park it in certain places, just have some sort of security. Like me, I had a disc lock.
- Well I have a big @$$ Kryptonite chain with lock, but like I said, I never park it.

A few more minor words were exchanged, and I went about my business.

Now as I'm working, I started talking to one of my boyz, and here is this conversation.

- Yo! When I pulled up today, one of the drivers started telling me about a chromed out R1 he had.
- Man, I already know who you talkin' about ... (name given). Me, him, and Zack used to work at another warehouse together. That kat ain't never talk about a bike, then one day he popped up at Zack's house on a chromed out R1 saying it was his. That was the first and last time he was seen on it. Whenever we asked him about it, he say it got stolen. The thing is, that was one of his homeboy's bike and he was claiming it.
- So could it take a Busa?
- Well I ain't see it but according to Zack, all it had was chrome. Everything else was stock ... pipe and all.

When the guy was talking to me I started to get smart with him, but I let it go. 1st of all, I can put $14000 into almost anything and take a Busa (stock at least). 2nd, why would you let a bike you have invested $14000 on out of your sight? 3rd, with that much money invested, the best protection he could come up with is a disc-lock?

It seems like once a week, I hear someone say "I had something that could beat that" or "I know this guy with a bike that could beat yours". But these people are never found.

Like a while back, another co-worker told me he knows a guy who'll race me but he only races for money. Am I up to it? I know this routine already, so I called his bluff. No, I'm not up to it but I know somebody who is. Thing is, he don't race for money, he races for bikes. So holla at 'cha boy and tell me what he says.

This was 3 months ago, and for some reason he can't get a hold of this guy.

If you can't beat 'em, lie to 'em ... I guess.
When in doubt......LIE!
When you own the King people come out of the woodwork to talk smack.  The busa is the fastest best riding bike ever made (period).  I know its not the best in the twisties and it's heavy.  But, you can cruise all day long on it and still stand upright at the end of the day.

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Ya know.. I dont get it...

I never get to have any fun..

I hear about guys on this board that have people walk up to the m and try to jack their bikes

People are allways saying how people talk shid to them and say how their bikes can take a persons Busa..

I never have had anyone try to jack my bike from me.

I have never had anyone come up to me telling me their bike can kick my Busa's but.

I never catch any shid from anyone!! how come I cant have no fun!!!!

I think it would be an adreniline rush to have someone come up to me and say "hey, give me your keys I am taking your bike!!"

I have a few guys at work that ride sports bikes, I keep inviting them to go ride with me and they wont....

R1 beating a busa? With all that chrome and mostly stock. Tell your co-worker he needs to wake up he's dreaming.
<--- makin "post itâ„¢ remind self to " give shztz" thrasher on Sat. .

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Ya know.. I dont get it...

I never get to have any fun..

I hear about guys on this board that have people walk up to the m and try to jack their bikes

People are allways saying how people talk shid to them and say how their bikes can take a persons Busa..

I never have had anyone try to jack my bike from me.

I have never had anyone come up to me telling me their bike can kick my Busa's but.

I never catch any shid from anyone!! how come I cant have no fun!!!!
Nobody ever tried to jack me but as for the talking, trust me. At first its entertaining conversation, but after a while it just becomes annoying.
- Yeah, I had a bike a while back but it got stolen.

That kat ain't never talk about a bike, then one day he popped up at Zack's house on a chromed out R1 saying it was his. That was the first and last time he was seen on it. Whenever we asked him about it, he say it got stolen. The thing is, that was one of his homeboy's bike and he was claiming it.
sound to me like he's the theif.