How Do I change a Rivet Link Chain???


Donating Member
I have to get a new chain and have seen on here that I need to replace with a rivet type link. Is there any special tool needed to install this type. I don't want to have any weak links on this thing!!

Thanks for your help
Different methods of shortening the chain. I use a mini cutting disc on a Dremel type tool. First cutting the extended end of a pin, grinding down flat. Next cutting across the link through the flattened pin. A second cross cut on the link to allow link to clear when lifted off. Using a screw driver to pry the cut links and break the rest way through the cuts. The link will come apartr easy.
This method was using tools at hand not getting anything new. It's an easy job.
To press the new rivet link used a Motion Pro Mini Chain Press. Using a crescent wrench(as a Handle) to counter torque forces from tightening the press. Pressing the chain then releasing to check the alignment. Using a straight edge on theside of the link can see how much to tighten to match the width of the adjecent links. Takes several cycle on tightening and release then check to get it perfect. Once it's too much tightened have to cut the link off and try again. Several cycles prevents this.
To round the pins on the rivet link. Can use a Center punch. Healthy whacking on several points on the end of the pin. Faster way is a eight line cross pattern using a chisel. Either way use a metal backing under the opposite side of the link pin. Ballpeen hammer rounded head to smooth out the rivet.
It is a 530 chain.... although not sure about the 120mm. Service manual doesn't tell you except by part number.
what i do is beat the hell out of it ith a hammer and punch then i limp it over to the dealership and they press it on for 20 bucks When i say limp i mean limp i spent the whole time at 2k all teh way over there. i have to do it again shortly after i get my tire and decide if i want these bearings
I wouldn't mind having a dealership press it on if there was one nearby that wasn't a a ripoff or the people were not a**holes. Dealers around here don't seem to care if you are a repeat customer or not.
hey i didnt say i didnt get ripped off. 20 bucks to have it pressed well not to bad i guess. i just want something like that done right, and i dont trust my own skills
Well, I called around and found an independant shop that will do it for 25. There is a motion pro tool on Ebay for 50 bucks but I'm like you and don't want to make a mistake that could be so costly. Hate to be going 160 or so and have a chain malfunction!
Just to press it. I may just take the whole darn thing down there to him and have him install it.
hell just to fish the chain throught the sprocket will probably cost an arm and a leg...just drive it up there take it apart and install it there. Then have them just press it on. Dont know if they'll let it fly though