How do you resize your avatar?


ok, ok...just a wee bit Irish...
Donating Member
How do i resize my Avatar? How big can it be now, with being a donating member??? Help!!!!!


goto "your control panel" located under your screen name on the board. click on "personal info" then click on "Avator options" down on the bottom of the page next to "Avatar Dimensions" change the numbers upto 96X96 or what ever it take to keep it looking right.
I went to signed up. Placed my pic there. Then get to your avatar settings and add the picture hosting picture. I right click on pic once I got it on their site and then click propeties. HI-LITE, copy and paste address to the supplied avatar bar with http://
If you need more help then that I would even host you pic and give you link to paste. Just mail it to me.

Reason for Edit: "Tpo typo tppso"|1139838953 -->
Good to see all the new balls.

<------- GET SOME !!!
What dimensions can I use for avatar, and does it consume excess space on the server ie. raise operating costs?
DONATING MEMBERS - if you'd like access to the org's UPLOAD CENTER, PM me...I can set up an acct for you then you can upload your pictures there, you'll then have a URL to use when linking a new avatar and the sizing up to 96x96 will work like a charm...


UPLOAD CENTER is for Donating Members only...thanks!
M -