How do you straighten the handle bar?


I bought the bike witout knowing the steering bar is kinda crooked to the right when I ride her in straigh line.
My friend who has a busa told me that he could fix it. He said all I gotta do is loosen the fork bolt a little and ride it and it will fix itself?? Is that true? I'm a lil confuse in what he said. But any input will be greatly apprciated.
I'm no expert here, but that sounds like suicide to me.

What is bent? The bar? The forks? Need specifics for the pro's on here to be able to help. Pix of what you think is bent would help
I don't think it's bent, The handle bar don't seem straight when the front wheel is straight
Is that make sense? The best way to describe is; you know when you ride a bicycle straight forward and you notice the steering wheel is not straight? You can lock the front wheel with your legs and make the steering wheel straight again. How do you make it straight in a motorbike?
i just had to do mine a couple months ago. if you would just let go of the bars, the bike would want to go to the right instead of going strait.

but all you have to do is loosed the bolts on the triple tree (4 bolts and 2 allen head bolts) and put the bike on a rear stand or just hold it up (im big enough to do this). after that, get the wheel where it is strait, then grab the bars and push them the way they need to go while holding the wheel (either with ur legs, blocks, wall, etc...). then get it to eyeball it to where it looks fairly strait, and tighten everything back up. u can look for the torques, but i just got them good and tight.

after that, take the bike for a ride and see if you can go strait with no hands. if you can without having to make any lean steering adjustments, then you have it pretty strait.
your motorcycle bars arn't connected like they are on a bicycle. On a bicycle the forks arn't connected to the handle bars in the same way. On a motorcycle the forks are directly connected to the bottom & top yoke/handle bars. You can't have the forks and tire on a motorcycle pointing one way and the handle bars a different way.