I have read in a magazine that the busa needs 1 mile to go 280k (~175mph)
and 2 miles to go 305k (~190mph)
this was at zero altitude and from a standing start
gsxrboy might know where im talking about. i did a roll in about 1mile. i started at about 25mph and read 185 or so on the speedo and i still stopped and slowed down till i hit i-75! I have read that from a stand still it will do around 170-180mph in 1 mile! i think that was in performance bike mag. I trust that issue because they were the first ones to bust a busa over 200!!
Anybody know how fast (approx.) a stock Busa can get in one mile from say 5 mph rolling start, altitude 6200' and 235lb rider? I'm thinking 175+, but to break 185 probably requires twice that distance. All commments welcome.
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