How is the new corbin seat ?

Click on "search" in the top right hand corner of the main forum and enter "corbin" as the keyword. You will find about a dozen topics with lots of opinions on the corbin.
Bulldog, that is just the kind of reply that turns people off. Out of curiosity I tried the "corbin" search and plowed through dozens of posts about every subject in the world but never found an opinion on the Corbin by someone who actually owns one. There may be one in there but you might spend all day trying to find it. Telling someone to go "search" is about the same as saying buzz off.
As far as I am concerned, corbins are the most comfortable seat made. Had them on every bike if owned, including the Busa and they really make the deference. Believe it or not, the only thing that might
negatively effect your comfort is the length of your arms. If you arms are real short, you might end up with your nuts scrunched up on the hump or raised part of the seat that comes up over the tank. I am 6'2" so its not a problem for me but other than that, its the best seat made in my opinion.
Bulldog I think you will find that the above answer to be the first actual person to reply with actual Busa riding time on the Corbin seat.

All previous posts were full of questions or comments on how the Corbin product was on other bikes and not the Busa. A lot of those earlier threads were filled with the impressions of the Suzuki gel seats. But that may have been an illusion again. :)
richie... I've got the Corbin seat on my black and silver 'Busa... I had it covered in the carbon look leather with red piping to match the red accents on the bike. The seat is very comfortable... slightly lower than stock, so you might need to bend your knees slightly more... also, you are closer to the ground when stopped. Final thoughts... I'm very happy with the seat. I've used them on some of my other bikes... and they seem to last a long time. Hope this helps.
BULLDOG your suggestion was well intentioned but poorly received.

Don't give up. Others will appreciate your help in the future.
Sorry, wasn't trying to be rude or uninterested! Believe it or not, I was trying to be helpful. Instead of waiting for many new posts to come in, I was suggesting he use the search feature as there are already some good comments about the Corbin seats.

I am sure users will be happy to comment again .... maybe an update! They might have changed their minds now their seat is broken in.