How Much Has your Bike Changed ?


60 Years Young And Still On A Busa!
Donating Member
I bought Carmen in Feb. of 04, I saw somebody's 03 Orange Bike on the site and decided to go out and buy one just like it, little did I know that it was a previous years model and a LE at that! None of the 03 LE's made it to this country.I had her about 2 months and was involved in an accident that totally destroyed all the plastics on the bike,saw a guy on the site advertising a complete body kit and thats where all the madness started. Heres a short pictorial...Day 1...

Now with some suttle amounts of bling, if your bike has changed much at all since the purchase, post up the pics!

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About all I'm gonna add to her is a set of tobins and the NX wet kit, getting a second busa with a whole new idea soon.I know this post comes close to being done before, but there are alot of new members now and I needed to get back to what the board is here for, the sharing of experience and knowledge.NJ.

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Well my bike started as this when i bought it 1407 miles on it from Salt lake City Utah imported her to South Dakota
I was so happy to get an SE model this was the Feb of 03

And now 2 years later from that date motor is built with Nos and a full paint and alitle lower granted since this pic i have Raised her back up for the twisites since i'm down with drag racing

1363 boar with yosh cams Mild compression, port polish head and a 60 shot of nos
Custom berserk paint theme

Future mods on the list for next year are a Ram single sided swing arm and a TTS supercharger stage 1 system

So yeah my bikes gone through quite a evolution
