OB_Dirty Pete

When I'm in my proper leathers I just have to use full power every minute or so. Sometimes I'll let the motor travel up to 7 or 8 grand slowly before I shift, but I can't resist pinning this bike constantly.

I feel like a junky stabbing my bicep with a needle over and over.

Answering this question is not optional, it is required* for continued Busa ownership.

*standard Suzuki contract of warranty and deed, pg. 313, sec. 7., para 17, subsection 8.

How long can you handle cruising before you just have to go?
I'm not hell on the corners but I bang 10500 to 11000 whenever possible :) After it's warmed up real nice.
I pick my spots. Around the city and heavy traffic a guy in a clapped out Yugo might pass me.8=) Big time paranoia.I try to move just a little faster than traffic. My throttle goes WFO in an inverse ratio to the amount of traffic.
Coming off corners or passing vehicles gets the full twist a lot. I don't usually push the red-line, since unlike most bikes it will carry the next higher gear just as well and it's easier on the engine.
The exceptions are the mag. writers' favorites such as Palomar Mt., Banner and Montezuma Grade, etc. On those it's pick a gear, wind it on, and red line be da**ed.
Couldn't have said it better Vegas!!!!

Pete, every chance I get, and that's still not enough!

I don't think most people understand us. I keep thinking that if everyone rode a Busa, they would understand - Like Kong did!!
Vegas I meant easy, my fingers are stiff from the cold......Brrrr......Brrrr.......

But we will go to Bear Mountain sunday to meet none other than Falcon Cop.
Pete it may have been better phrased as,

How long do you keep your throttle Wide Open?

Vegas it is pretty easy to make your "fun in the sun" shots at us northern people during winter my friend, we dont bust you about the tire melting heat of summer do we?

Just kidding Vegas, Just envious - riding 12 months and all :)

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 11 December 1999).]
I kinda have a little routine that I enjoy. When I take off for a ride I stay very conservitive for about 30 minutes until I get to my spot. I then stop, pull my best dragstrip launch and continue through the gears all the way to top end then slow back down and ride fairly normal till I go home. Works for me.
Like I once read somewhere – riding the Hayabusa is like doing crack. I don’t know much about crack, but if it’s like winding out my busa, I’m a dead man. It is truly an addiction, the forecast for today says a high in the 40’s. Time for another shot of busa!
I probably go mental(WOT) about 10% of the time. At least three or four times per outing. I also have a (bad?) habit of lettin the rear hang out coming of corners. In the words of the wife "I can be such a child". Guilty as charged. My favorite shirt says it all. Objects in the mirror, no longer matter!
When someone comes by in a Vet,Porche,
Audi,Grand National,Mustang,custom fix me up go fast car or custom go fast Harley and thinks they can out perform the Hayabusa that is when I use full power.I let the other superbikes pass me cause they can run spotter for me on freeway for Highway Patrol or local police plus it makes them feel like their bikes are faster and they can go tell their buddies that they out ran a Hayabusa.Now who is going to believe them!!!
By my crude calculations, speed at 10800 RPM is:
1st - 77 mph
2nd - 104
3rd - 131
4th - 156
5th - 176
6th - 192

"I'm truly surprised officer, I was riding in third gear. If you let me go this time I promise to keep in second the next time I'm riding in town"
KawAbuser, how can I be "east" when i live out west? I have special ice packs for my tires in the summer that keeps my tires from melting. lol

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 11 December 1999).]