How to clean clogged fuel filter


My FI light came on and the bike would start then cut off.  I would restart it and it would cut off again.  The FI light is not on right now so I can't check the error codes.  I got some bad gas and I need to clean the fuel filter.  I've done several searches but cannot find a post on how to clean it. I have the tank off the bike right now and I am trying to fix this asap.   I have downloaded the service manual that is posted but I have a 2006 and the fuel filter is different.  Any help would be appreciated.  I have a GiPro and Tsukigi cans.  Again I have used the search function but didn't find any answers to my problems.
Hummm. Don't hear many issues of the "stock" fuel filter being clogged. I suppose you could take the tank off and remove the fuel pump from the bottom of the tank and have a look at it...

Could be clogged injectors; may want to run some 44K for bikes in it...
What is 44K for bikes and where can I get some? I bought some Techron fuel system cleaner to run through it. I took the tank off yesterday and removed the fuel pump but was unable to see how to get to the fuel filter. That's why I asked if anyone had access to a service manual for the 2006 model. The fuel injection system for the 2006 is totally different than what is in the current online service manual on the site. Thanks for your response also!
did you check the tipover sensor?? Does the F1 light not come on at all anymore?? If so, u should do a diagnostic. It's really easy. Here's a pic. Let me know if u need any help with this.

'01 and later, the fuel filter is *in* the tank with the fuel pump.
I looked at one of your previous posts on tip-over sensors.  I have the same problem, the bracket is broken and it is just hanging there.  I will take a look at the sensor and get back to you.  Hope this is the fix for me.  I'll keep you all posted.  Thanks again!
glad to hear i could help. Yeah, some JB weld fixed it for me. I was super relieved that it didn't cost me anything:)

Problem solved for now. I took it for a nice ride and had no problems. The silicone worked nicely. How did you get the JB weld to hold the bracket together? I would have saved myself a lot of time if I just did the diagnosis on it and looked up the code. Thanks for your help! I would like to everyone else that responded as well. This forum is awesome! I am afraid to imagine how much the dealer would have charged me for this.
i just put a bunch of jb weld on the bracket and tied it up with some string over night. I haven't had any trouble since.
ziptie the focker to the crossmember. Mine broke off the little flimsy tab too way back when. All I did was wrap it once around horizonatlywith a zip tie and then two verticaly underneath the first tie. Nice n tight. Hasn't budged in years...